
Sell ​​blog

Всем привет! Я продолжаю свой годовой марафон, но в другом формате. Читатели правильно сказали, что хватит эпатажа и публичности, слов и заявлений. Поставь цель и добейся ее, и все поймут, что ты человек слова. Поэтому я буду вести дневник для себя, а не на публику. Я уже вижу, что не успеваю выполнить свое обещание по […]

A warning!!!!!

Due to the fact that the site and forum on the domain will soon cease to exist, if someone is interested in something there, summarize …

Skype conference passed, posting the record

so, thank you all for your interest and participation. Not everyone was able to participate due to the time difference, but I managed to record the conversation (about 1,5 o'clock) and I lay it out for you to see. The volume of the record turned out to be small, about 20 Mb. Briefly — then so: 1. You can earn a lot more from a blog, than faceless […]

Webmaster sounds proud! (trader vs webmaster)

Good mood to you all! Considering my success in the financial markets, I put aside the silver parmesan and hazel grouse, put his chin on his hand and thought…. But people live, eat buckwheat, sleep on the wooden floor and wow, live and rejoice. Trade themselves on their own or investor 20 000 ye, someone even more, make their […]

Return (6.11.12)

Yes, I haven't written for a long time… Actually scored on the blog, probably haven't visited since spring… And in August, my domain was taken from me for non-payment and it was again free for sale. And so I started thinking about life and somehow decided to return the blog. When I wanted to re-buy — it has already been sold. I registered […]


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By the way, domain is still free — let it be too “Introducing Broker to PFG Trading” :)

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