
New Website Design

Happened, then what have you been waiting for – CHANGE SITE DESIGN !!! Теперь можно без труда часами читать мой блог и не беспокоится за свои глаза, of course, I left the option of choosing the previous design to whoever likes it. There are still a couple of touches left to customize in the design., but you can already read and promote. Waiting for feedback on the new website design, AS YOU HE ???

Ready to change the design of the site

Many people don't like my black background in the template, that's why I'm ready to make concessions and change the design to a new one. If anyone has ready-made beautiful templates for the wordpress engine for my topic, drop me the links or advise me a design firm, which will create a beautiful custom template. Of course, if someone is ready to create an individual template for me, it will be very cool, ready to pay for money or in some other way.

Pleasing the eye)

For those who are tired of the standard LJ design (which in my opinion is squalor), – there is a community, where can I just get, and put something clearly better. [info]mintyapple

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