
How to make money on dividends

What is dividend Dividend is a share of profit, which the company distributes among shareholders. When you buy shares of a company on the stock exchange, you are entitled to dividends on those shares until then, as long as you remain shareholders. Hypothetical example. The company has released 100 Shares. You bought one share on the stock exchange. The company's profit for the year was 100 rubles and will be paid in the form of dividends. As a result of the payment, you will receive 1 ruble.


Hello, dear friends! In previous articles, we examined in detail investments in company shares.. Attentive readers will remember, that at the same time I was talking about such a thing as dividends. Noted, that not everyone pays them, but it is a good source of additional income. Today we'll talk in more detail about, how to get dividends on shares and we will understand all the subtleties related to this. Looking ahead, I will note, that this type of income should be considered as an addition to profit, obtained by increasing the value of shares. Balance is important, pick up assets like this, so that the annual payment of "divas" does not lead to a slowdown in the growth of the company's securities. Otherwise, your profit will grow more slowly..  


Hello, dear friends! Earlier, I devoted a fairly extensive material to ETFs and issues, related to their selection, portfolio formation and the principle of work in general. Today, the focus will be on that, how to buy shares for an individual and receive dividends. I wrote about the purchase of shares by individuals in one of the materials, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with it. I would like to remind you in advance, that diversification is important when forming an investment portfolio. That is, you need to include different tools in its composition.: along with conventional ETFs and dividends, as well as special funds.  

Shares and cryptocurrencies. Similarities and differences

Many potential investors, who want to enter the cryptocurrency market, have never encountered such financial instruments before. However, most of them have at least some understanding of the stock market.. Alas, this knowledge will not do them well when trading digital currencies. Let's take a look at the main differences and similarities between stocks and cryptocurrencies..

New York Stock Exchange Investors and Traders Club

Created a new LJ community for people associated with the New York Stock Exchange to share their trading experience on it, ideas and news. Anyone can write their material in it, ask a question of interest and find an answer to it. We no longer have to search for information all over the Internet, everything you need to trade on the stock exchange will be in 1 place . The group is brand new, I'm waiting for new active participants and a little PR from you, but most importantly active discussion of new topics and issues. New York Stock Exchange Investors and Traders Club

Trading strategy for trading on the NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX

A trading strategy is a plan of action, which a trader uses to make a profit in the financial markets. In this section, we will discuss the key aspects of the trading strategy on such exchanges, how the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange), NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) and AMEX (American Stock Exchange). In the process of editing 21.10.2010 The essence of my trading strategy is simple, it is trading on the continuation of the trend or reversal of the stock within the day after a significant rise or fall. The main signals for the continuation of the trend: On the daily chart, the stock must rise or pass a key level. Most often, I trade stocks that are on an annual high or have passed some significant level for 100 days. I watch the levels on the day and 15 minute scale, there should be a clear trend

Share – what is this ?

A stock is an equity security, giving rights to its owner (shareholder) to receive part of the profit of the joint-stock company in the form of dividends, as well as the right to participate in the management of a joint-stock company and to a part of the property, remaining after its liquidation.

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