
Table brokers providing access to the Stock Exchange NYSE

At the request of my readers published a table of brokers providing access to the stock exchange NYSE. Now select it became much easier if you know of others who were not included in her email address in the comments. Brokers NYSE barnes & noble peter borish nasdaq simulator richard dennis trader vaal reefs mines consists of orkney mines samsung md230 trading 123

FED – U.S. Federal Reserve in 2021-2022 year

U.S. Federal Reserve (also known as the Fed ) is the central banking system of the United States. It was created in 1913 year as a result of the adoption of the Federal Reserve Act, largely as a response to a series of financial panics or massive bank flaws, especially severe panic in 1907 year. Over time, the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System have expanded and its structure has undergone changes.. Such events, like the great depression, were among the main factors, leading to changes in the system. His duties today, according to official documents of the Federal Reserve System, are divided into four main areas:

We work for a broker

Today I traded in not very active moments of the market, got into Gazprom when he was not standing at all. Only worked for a broker, did not lose or do anything, as a result, a lot of volume and +0.1% per day.

Interview with Pro Trader Todd Stottlemayre

Todd Stottlemayre – game owner. Todd is best known as the former Major League Baseball jug.. but, he quickly becomes equally well known for his professional success as an investor and trader. Todd points out three critical keys to success: never give up; never stop learning; And, lay down, that you can achieve anything within your set of talent. Todd – incredible example of, how a keen desire to learn can empower dreams. Todd meticulously scrutinized his opponents on the baseball field, but my humble work ethic, as the trader may be his greatest accomplishment yet.   In a few days, Todd will partner with friend and professional financier Joe Donohu., to start a new hedge fund called Desert Coastal Capital. Despite challenging times in private action, Todd is ready to take responsibility for his investors. Besides, as his family legacy in Major League Baseball, Todd wants to build a legacy in finance, which may one day be continued by his children.  

New York Stock Exchange Investors and Traders Club

Created a new LJ community for people associated with the New York Stock Exchange to share their trading experience on it, ideas and news. Anyone can write their material in it, ask a question of interest and find an answer to it. We no longer have to search for information all over the Internet, everything you need to trade on the stock exchange will be in 1 place . The group is brand new, I'm waiting for new active participants and a little PR from you, but most importantly active discussion of new topics and issues. New York Stock Exchange Investors and Traders Club

Question – Answer from a practicing trader Good_trade

That would not answer by 100 times on 1 the same question, you can ask it in this post, and I will post the answer to it. So we will save our time ... Decided to renew this section, so I will be glad to new comments. What trading platform are you using? IB Trader Workstation (TWS), RT PRO Fusion (Blackwood ), Takion, GT Web, Laser, Sterling PRO, THAT, Lightspeed, ROX, GrayBox, Aurora, MultiCharts


WORK OF THE NYSE SPECIALIST The main functions of the Specialist On the floor of the New York Stock Exchange 1366 specialists. Most of them work for one of 7 dealer companies of NYSE members. Each of them controls the trading process in one, the share allotted to him. Which specialist will be responsible for trading in a particular stock is decided by the NYSE Board of Directors. If a specialist does a good job at his job, it can be enhanced – give a share to a more prestigious company to trade, with a large day trading volume. If the specialist does not cope with his duties, he may be downgraded or even fired. For example, if he violates the trading rules or receives a lot of complaints from clients. Be a specialist, this is quite an expensive pleasure. In order to be eligible to work as a NYSE specialist, you must first pay for “specialist chair“. The price of such a chair reached 4 million dollars.. The main task of the specialist is support “honest and orderly” market trading in your stock. First of all, this means the execution of transactions at the best price that is possible at the moment., support of the minimum Spread on quotes and prevention of too sharp jumps in the stock price. One of the key figures on the stock exchange is the NYSE specialist, it acts as an important link between the buyer and the seller, and also create a safe and fair environment for all transactions between market participants. …


Aphorisms about the Exchange

There is no model, which would predict the direction of exchange rate movements much better, how can this be done by tossing a coin. What is the difference between a broker and a boxer? The first one is fixing bucks, second – boxing on fixes. Big money corrupts, Small – embittered. I want a lot, a lot, a lot of average money. There is nothing more bitter, than looking at a trader, which instead of, to, having a titmouse in weary hands, close in time and go to sleep, by the morning, the bitter tears of unfulfilled hopes are smeared on the sweaty face, looking at the crane, floating high in the sky towards the house, where Mr. J. Soros lives. Nothing builds trust between partners like that., how 100 % prepayment. According to our analysts, the situation in the stock market is stabilizing: uniform fall will become uniformly accelerated. Economists, making predictions, are divided into two classes: they, who don't know, what's going to happen, and they, who don't know, that they don't know it.


Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement is in place between Russia and the United States – it means, that income taxes, earned on American exchanges, a resident of the Russian Federation will pay only in his own country (13%). If you open an account on American exchanges through a Russian broker, then the broker becomes your tax agent – he himself is obliged to calculate and pay your income taxes, taking them from your account annually, as well as when withdrawing funds from an account. If you open an account with a US broker directly, then you yourself must fill out an annual tax return and pay taxes to the Russian budget.

Daytrader restrictions on patterns ( PDT ) USA in 25000$

Day trader by pattern (PDT) – it is a normative designation for those traders or investors, who make four or more day trades within five business days using a margin account. The number of daily trades must be more than 6% of the total trading activity of the margin account during this five-day window.

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