
Excerpt from T. Dreiser. “Financier”

In the fourteenth year of his life, Frank Cowperwood first embarked on a commercial adventure. One day, walking down front street, street of importing and wholesale companies, he noticed an auction flag above the door of a wholesale grocery store; the voice of the auctioneer was heard from within: – What will I be offered for a batch of excellent Javanese coffee? Wholesale market price today seven dollars thirty-two cents per bag. How much do you give? The party only goes in its entirety. How much do you give? – Eighteen dollars, – shouted the shopkeeper at the door, actually just for that, to start bidding. Frank stopped. – Twenty two, – said another voice. – Thirty, – a third was heard. – Thirty five! – exclaimed the fourth. The price went up to seventy-five dollars, which was less than half of the real cost of coffee.

Paulo Coelho – Alchemist(audiobook)

Recently read this book, I think it will be useful to get acquainted with it for everyone. “To achieve the embodiment of your destiny is the only true duty of a person… All people, while they are still young, know their fate… But, over time, a mysterious force is taken to convince them that, that it is impossible to achieve the embodiment of their fate. This power seems to be malevolent, but in reality it indicates to the person that, how to fulfill your destiny. There is one great truth on this planet: when you really want something, you will achieve it, after all, such a desire originated in the soul of the universe". Year: 2003 Genre: artistic lit-ra, Philosophy Type: audiobook audio codec: MP3 Description: Paulo Coelho – nowadays the most popular writer in the world. “Alchemist” doesn't look like “Jonathan's Seagull” or “Illusion” Richard Bach, even less like “Little Prince” Exupery, but for some reason it's hard not to remember these fairy tales, parables, when you want to say something about “Alchemist”. This is a parable for our times., and not in vain “Alchemist” – Favorite book of the powerful of this world and ordinary people in 117 countries of the world.

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