trading blog


The course of Alexander Mikhailovich is approaching.

The course is in intensive format, duration 8 days (about 32 hours) and consists of theoretical and practical lessons. This is an updated course, which is on 80% consists of practice (already from the 2nd lecture) and which will contain a lot of valuable information on different markets, including options, futures, forex. The course is designed as for beginners, and experienced traders

Classes will be held – during weekdays: with 18:30 to 22:30 hours, on the weekend: with 11 to 15 hours.

All information on the website of Alexander Mikhailovich

From myself: highly recommend to go. Lots of useful information, you can meet interesting and useful people.

P.S.. I'll be there with the guys from our office. Come – I'll see you.

First day in prop

The first day in prop is over :)

Impressions are very cool. The atmosphere is great, nothing distracts. Intelligent people.

In our prope, trades and ulti-trade)))

The firm of comrades Belousov and Vishnevsky… 

Think ten times before trading

The guys from the office dropped the link to an interesting topic on the stockportal.

I immediately wanted to publish excerpts on my blog…

Briefly about the essence of the topic:

One of the Tula guys, who worked and A. Gerchik from the very beginning, decided to quit trading. He has his own reasons.. Quite possible, that he will return. I will be very happy, if that's the case. I know Borya personally – pleasant, adequate guy. Think, that everything will be ok for him.

Liked AM's words on this matter. Original text, no fixes.

& quot; net brosil odin borya….prosto perestalo poluchatsya i borotsya dalshe ne zahotel…delo v tom shto v traidinge nachinauyt poyavlyatsya momenti kogda u tebya ne poluchaetsya i tut nastupaet perelomnii moment…ochen malo…kraine malo kto moghet sebya polomat….poetomu posle 10 let ostaetsya menshe 2%…nikakie knigi ne pomogut…vi dolghni sebya znat…esli smoghete sebya uznat…to….u vas vse budet horosho & quot;

& quot; vi berete vo vnimanie odnogo ili neskolkih ushedshih….statistika ne pomenyalas…i nikogda vrydli ne pomenyaetsya…3/97 5/95 in ludshem hearing….professional tem i otlichaetsya ne ot pro tem shto …pro zarabotaet v lubom rinke …bolshe menshe i td….prosto ochen mnogie ludi v traidinge ne uspevaut stat vot etimi samimi pro..problema nomer 2 ludi ochen slabie po suti svoei ….eto vidno daghe v realnoi ghizni…silnih ludei ochen i ochen malo…moi sovet syadte i poschitaeite na palcah skolko vi takih znaete…ya uveren menshe chem vi dumaete…Problemma u mnogih to shto ludi tak privikli shto nughno im postoyanstvo menshe da nadeghnei..poetomu ne vse mogut rabotat na rabotah gde ne platyat zarplat…da rinok stal tyahgelee…no ne na stolko shto bi sidet i ghalovatsya da i ghalobi nikomu ne nughni..nikto vas vse ravno ne poghaleet…eto business ochen ghestokii i surovii business i kaghdii dolghen bit gotov proiti cherez slezi razocharovaniya i td…no ne vse mogut…

po povodu moego otnosheniya vi vse prekrasno znaete kak ya otnoshus k novichkam i traidingu v celom..eto bezumno tyahgelo i ya eto vsegda vsem govoryou…

tomu kto nado tot vilezet……problema eshe v odnom ….kogda vi ochen molodoi u vas otkrivaetsya shans poprobovat shto to novoe…i esli shto vernutsya opyat…ya znal ludei kotorie vozvrashalis …oni inogda silnee chem kto libo…a voobshe podumaite 10 raz pered tem kak idti v traiding… "

About trading in the firm

I used to be sure, that trading in your office is almost the same, like trading in a good prop firm.

Now I see, what was wrong.

Firstly: a large company has a lot of turnover – a bunch of ideas.

Secondly: there is a risk, who decides for himself, how much to give you, and will cover itself, if anything…

Thirdly: no problems with funds. You can easily increase the numbers in proportion to your success..

Fourth: for you all the household problems are solved by the bosses – no need to steam, that some n ***** s will not pay or, God forbid, steal something, and you will have problems.

I'll tell you about my experience:
At first everything went well for us, by chance we have a good team. we rented an office and worked quietly for a year. Then we decided to accept more people and they threw us – small amount, but not nice. Plus the money question arises. Not everyone can put 20-30k buckets, to calmly increase the risks, and not work with 2-3k bucks, risking ten percent of the deposit. Dofig more pluses, everyone has their own.

For myself, I have already decided for sure, that I will go to work in the company. Now it remains to understand everything with our team, not to get lost – I want to work further together.

All the passing trend and good luck!


I've been thinking about blogging again for a long time, but somehow my hands did not reach.
That one, то другое.
Also pushed to write further reviews of people about my blog., which they sent me to Skype.

Briefly about, what happened in recent months:
We hired several new people to the office. Smart guys.

Have arisen, Really, with the office and certain problems. Now we are solving them.

We also think about moving to a composition or prop or about raising money for trading in our office.
I like the prop option better. There will be risk with a whip and bosses with gingerbread. You can fully concentrate on trading and not worry about households. проблемах.

We mainly trade in the medium term (most of the poses – лонги) – almost gone off 5 minute charts.
Our candidates for stock trading up to 10 bachey.
We understand their behavior and trade comfortably.

For the curious, I'll tell you right away – we have not yet started living off trading.
There are many moments, which still need to work and work.

Good luck to everyone and a passing trend!


You get kicked out a lot? You see a cool situation – come in, and the drain throws a candle against, and then it goes your way?

Ponder, can you get into the situation, where it is simply too tempting and easy for a large player to make money on you and other traders?

Remember, that only five percent of people make money in the market – this figure already suggests, that in order to earn money you need to climb there, where most traders won't go.

Just think and don't act with the crowd – golden rules for trading on the stock exchange, which for some reason few people remember.


Finally, got to the movie Floored.

Downloaded a couple of days ago, but all hands did not reach.
The signal was cut off until the first days of June, but I don't like to watch graphics on other platforms, so I decided to take some time tonight :)

The film is very strong. The stories of several traders made me think seriously.

I strongly advise everyone.

P.S. required to view topics, who looks at the market through rose-colored glasses.


Posting a video of my main business failure – quite expensive party, which failed and got me and my partner into decent debt. I got a bunch of precious experience (I wrote about this story earlier).

Sometimes I watch this video, to feel again that charge of horror and adrenaline – excellently improves work efficiency :)

A slight decline

After a long, for a beginner, positive period, a slight decline began.

Gross, further goes up, but no problem, though not serious, but unpleasant.

The reason for this, I think, market changes.

Firstly, у SP 500 long-awaited correction, That, seems to be heading for the end (maybe this is an attempt by the big guys to make money, and the real rollback will be ahead). My strategy has gotten worse – many landings.

Secondly, volcano, Greece, Goldman – all this had the same effect on the market.
Most of the entrances from the level break.

Spent all weekend analyzing deals – I think, found a way out, we'll see next week.

Good luck to all.

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