stock exchange

Interview: how C # and C ++ help make money in the stock market

One of the most popular topics in our blog was the story about Jesse Spaulding - a guy, who earned $ 500k in the stock market, applying your knowledge of programming and understanding of the basics of the stock market (part 1, part 2). In the comments to these texts, some habrap users expressed their doubts about the realism of such a scenario in our country.. There were also phrases like "well, he used to work in this field". In this regard, the editors of the ITinvest blog spoke with Andrey Gorkovenko, the developer, who followed the path of Jesse Spaulding and managed to turn his life around with the help of the stock market and technological knowledge. With this text, we open a cycle of interviews with direct participants in the processes on the Russian stock market - software developers, traders and company executives. Note: Andrey Gorkovenko used to work as a programmer at ITinvest. In particular, he worked on the SmartX trading terminal project (the history of its creation is described in a separate habratopic). He later created a universal mechanical trading system, with which you can implement various trading strategies in the stock market. This development brings him the main income., which exceeds the average developer salary in Moscow. Andrey, Hey! tell, how did you get involved with the stock market? IN 2007 year I left the fourth year of the Voronezh Military Institute of Radio Electronics and started looking for a job. Since I have always been into programming, And, as it seemed to me, …

Interview: how C # and C ++ help make money in the stock market Read more

12 simple tips for a trader

The Power of Exercise The Sedentary Trader's Life Style, seems incompatible with exercise to many. But getting the necessary regular workloads is one of the most valuable investments in your own life.. Frequent exercise induces a flow of endorphins, which not only make you feel euphoric, but also improve mental clarity, and also stimulate the learning process. Exercise also helps maintain a stable energy level throughout the day.. It has been proven more than once, that physical activity is a very effective way to get rid of depression and a good way to increase life expectancy. What can we say about that, what will you look better! Start practicing! First, find something easy and doable.. It could be something like walking fast., any special program with push-ups and squats, jogging or light yoga. For those who love to travel, important to remember, that intense training can be carried out with your own weight, without barbells and dumbbells.

How not to go crazy from trading on the stock exchange

nyse ki Trading on the stock exchange would not be so difficult without periodic nerves and frustrations. A permanent streak of luck is possible only in fairy tales. Even the best traders take two steps forward, three back and then a half forward, and after all this they are surprised, why are they so exhausted, , in fact, practically did not budge.

ADR shares – American Depository Receipt

American Depository Receipt (English. American Depositary Receipt), ADR (English. ADR) - a derivative security freely traded on the American stock market for the shares of a foreign company, deposited with an American depositary bank. 95 % of ADR issues accounted for by three banks - Bank of New York, Citibank, J. P. Morgan Chase. ADRs are denominated in US dollars and are traded both on American stock exchanges, and in American OTC trading systems. American Depository Receipts ADRs (English. ADR) - usually issued by American banks for foreign shares, which were acquired by this bank. Owner of ADR, like a real shareholder, receives dividends on them, and can benefit from an increase in market value. Since ADRs are issued in US dollars, their price is also influenced by the exchange rate.

Interim results of an exchange startup

Exchange, as a startup. Sounds pretty unusual. A huge number of legal issues immediately come to mind, regulatory turmoil, etc.. It would seem that, just don't start like that. But, as many people know, there are successful attempts to resist the bureaucracy of the financial world. The history of this confrontation is, of course, largely a virtual component - electronic payment systems. And as we well know, world of software, albeit virtual, with due skill and perseverance, it is quite realistically monetized. The history of the development of such a confrontation / addition can be painted for a long time. But we will focus on one of the extreme events of this front: cryptocurrencies. And even narrow the narrative even further: cryptocurrency exchanges.

US stock options (NYSE,NASDAQ,AMEX)

  An exchange option is a standardized contract, giving the right to its acquirer to make a purchase or sale of the underlying asset (American stocks) at a pre-agreed price on the option exercise date. Features of stock options: exchange instrument with transparent pricing mechanism; a convenient tool for hedging open positions on shares; loyal deposit requirements; limited risks.

How Forex works and is it needed?

When it comes to stock market and exchange trading, first, what comes to mind for many people is forex. Really, advertising this type of investment (although such operations in this market can hardly be called) penetrated into many areas of our life - successful traders, who earn thousands of dollars in parallel with their main job or lying on the beach, look at us and from posters in subway cars, and from banners on the web. Meanwhile, everything is not so simple here.

Fenix_FX: 10 years of the LCHI or Requiem for a Dream

Hello, friends! Here, people shared a link on FB, and I would like to share with you my colleague's opinion on the Moscow Exchange and its working methods. "If you want a million - give me a phone" (from the book "How to master a PR budget for dummies") About that, that a grandiose advertising campaign for the LPI competition with a chic budget is being prepared, I found out somewhere in the beginning […]

History of the appearance of options

An option is a contract, which is between the seller and the buyer of the option. This agreement grants the right, but not a duty, the buyer to sell or buy the underlying asset at a specified price and within a specified period of time. Person, selling option, is obliged to buy or sell the selected asset at a price, specified in the option. Actually, option is a very complex instrument. Person, whoever buys it must hit three targets at once: make the right choice of the underlying asset, predict which direction the price will go and how fast this movement will be. As for the underlying asset, then it can be a regular share, index, futures. Option type can be buy and sell (call and put respectively). Buying a call option, the trader is counting on the growth of the underlying asset. Buying a put option, the trader expects the price to fall.

The sound of the NYSE opening

The Bell is one of the most recognizable features of the NYSE.. Opening Bell sounds every day at the opening of the stock exchange, and at closing - Closing Bell. Calls were entered in 1870 year together with the launch of continuous trading. Originally a Chinese gong was used, however in 1903 a year after the exchange moved to a new building, a copper bell was used. There is one large bell for each of the four shopping areas. Bells sound synchronously and are controlled under one control. Company G. S. Edwards made bells for the stock exchange 18 inches. In the late 80s, the NYSE decided to restore the existing bells and make another spare.. However, it turned out, that similar bells nor G. S. Edwards, no other companies produce. As a result, the G. S. Edwards decided to meet the exchange and fulfill the order, for which she attracted to its implementation, including some of the employees who left the company.

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