
Free NYSE Trading Webinars

Brokerage company GT Capital Group invites everyone, who is interested in trading on the American stock market, take part in training webinars. In the classroom, you will learn, how to get started on the New York Stock Exchange, learn the basics of fundamental, technical analysis and the main principles of risk management. Training is conducted by a professional trader with extensive experience in successful trading, Senior Trader and Partner at GT Capital Group, Anton Andreev. Webinars are not only about new knowledge, but also a unique opportunity to get comments on your questions, affected during training. Participation in webinars is free, it is enough to follow the appropriate links at the specified time and date. Schedule of open webinars for September: 1) 4 September. Fundamental Analysis of Stocks for a Day Trader 20:00 MSC (Link) 2) 11 September. How to start trading on the New York Stock Exchange? 20:00 MSC 3) 18 September. Technical analysis for a day trader. 20:00 MSC 4) 25 September. Risk management for a day trader. 20:00 MSC

Free stock scanner Madscan (filter)

For a couple of hours my trade-ideas filters stopped working for the first time in a couple of years, I had to find a stock filter according to my criteria. In my chat, where a couple of hundred traders are sitting, they suggested the Madscan stock filter. There is a big plus that it can be used for free., as a spare for example. Almost everything I needed could be configured in it. I will not write a review on it and so it is clear, there are no links with charts. I didn't have time to dig deeper into it, set up everything you need and forgot :) If not working : To get MadScan to work, do the following: START => Control panel =>Language and regional standards =>Opposite the button “Settings” choose English (USA) The program is tailored for the Americans. (With) Svyatoslav

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