schemes instead of work and spam from BP

enterprises will be allowed to use VAT bonds to pay for gas supplies. eventually, some part of the bonds will be held by Naftogaz, what to do with them what? in general, such and such barter. all decisions in style are somehow contrived, come up with a scheme, solve the problem of.. you know, there is such a social stratum – problem solvers? they usually stand out with shoes under sweatpants, cap, seed beer, and the instinctive need to solve problems. they cannot imagine life without problem solving and mobility. I don't agree with that, that unwillingness to do once and humanly – this is a Ukrainian trait. this is the most common scoop, who, although he did not go far, but it comes back not very weak.

and more fun: a letter came to the mail:

Having considered the request of Yu. Karmazin and O. Semerak, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine recognized, that CJSC “Will-cable” abuses its monopoly position in the market of multi-channel cable television network

At the request of Yu. Karmazin and O. Semerak, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine announced, that in order to prevent violations of the legislation on protection of economic competition, he provided the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting with binding recommendations to take measures provided for by law to ensure the implementation of the LLC “VOLIA-CABLE” requirements of Part 8 of Art. 39 Of the Law of Ukraine “About television and radio broadcasting” to agree with the subscriber to make changes to the characteristics of the software service.

The text of the answer is attached.Детальна-інформація/itemid/448.aspx

sender [email protected]
as you understand, I did not leave my address to this addressee…

  Soul cries =)
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