Superpositive expectation

I realized the main drawback of the currently fashionable theories like:

1. Opening a position. If the deal is profitable, open to ALL, if not — on 5% от счета.
2. I stop 5-10 pips
3. The price goes our way 5-10 pips — move the stop to breakeven
4. The price goes far, far in our direction.
5. We win and have a positive expectation — with a ratio of profitable / unprofitable trades 20/80, profit / risk ratio 20/1.
6. Doubling the bill every month.

In my opinion, too many trades will close in the red. Their number can be greatly reduced so that deals are closed to zero or almost zero using the following modification:

1. Opening a position. If the deal is profitable, open to ALL, if not — on 5% от счета.
2. We put stop exactly 1 пипс
3. The price goes our way 1 пипс — move the stop to breakeven
4. The price goes far, far in our direction.
5. We win and have super-positive expectation — with a ratio of profitable / unprofitable trades 1/10000, profit / risk ratio 9945400141990/1, which is much higher than the previous version
6. We multiply the bill every month.

When comparing these two systems, one can see, that the modified one turned out to be much more profitable — she gives profit per month already in 10 times more traditional.
The most important thing — stick to discipline and believe that the one and only deal, which will cover all the insignificant ridiculous losses (they can't be called otherwise) and will allow you to multiply the bill at a time, anyway, sometime will come…

  Intermediate Slippage Statistics.
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