Super Traders (part 2)

You can find the beginning of the story about super traders here:
Super Traders (Introduction)

Honestly, I have little idea, what else can a person do, Who has worked trader for any length of time. Much like a drug. In the diversity and polarity of emotions and feelings Trading close to extreme sports and combat. not without reason, Ancient Chinese treatises on the art of war are popular from the stock market literature. But that doesn't mean at all, what are traders in life, largely, people who are aggressive or physically strong. Not at all.. Shakes many with the wind, or sit quietly, because of the monitors, some ears stick out. Come, disassemble, what's going on there. But the market is closing, and it becomes clear, who is who.

Of the other types of human activity, I would single out the following, roughly comparable to that, what a trader does: playing chess or cards (especially poker), tightrope walking over an abyss, peekaboo, attempts to prove to the whole world, what are you cool (or not an idiot), participation in Spanish bullfighting without preparation, learning chinese, sex with your worst enemy (when by agreement, when without). A whole gamut of sensations-states accompanies trader every working day. Among them are, how: the desire to kill someone specific or just commit a terrorist act, send everyone to hell and hang yourself, the desire to sleep is all the same with whom, middle aged woman dreams of marrying a young prince to the envy of girlfriends, the state of the commander, running in front of the company and, suddenly, discoverer, that he has been running alone for a long time, and the whole company lay down, etc.. To many traders during work, sensations are not alien: claustrophobic in a locked room, sentenced to death repentant killer maniac, Person, miraculously escaped bankruptcy, terminally ill, who learned, that he is healthy, and the doctor was wrong, Person, who had nothing to lose and therefore, accomplished the feat and found himself in the rays of glory, and much more. And all this every working day in a concentrated form. Come, give it up, how will you live later?

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And how wonderful it is to be in the black with a thousand dollars, quickly run to the toilet, and returning, discover, that it was in your short absence that the market turned around, and you still have the same thousand, but not a plus anymore, a minus. This happened a couple of times with me. It's also a good idea to make fifteen thousand dollars in a month., and already figure it out, where to spend them, and then, on the last day of the month, lose seventeen, and forget about the coveted check. This was the case with my colleague Larry. And there is nowhere better, like Harry, By the way, one of the super traders, after the regular daily punching of many thousands of dollars, trade basketball *. And how much money to lose in a couple of hours? Yes, a little over a hundred thousand dollars. Him, Really, it took not much more than three weeks, to recover losses. The office atmosphere is permeated with all shades of human perception of the surrounding reality. You can hear everything – from intelligent business comments about the market to marketplace swearing at specific shares. Both are considered normal.. Women are few, inexplicably. Psychologists believe, that most women are more self-centered, than men and, Consequently, less able to predict other people's behavior. That's why, in particular, women drive worse. In trading, without correcting your actions depending on the behavior of others, it is impossible in any way. Although I have met very good traders with original styles and strategies. Another thing, that not every, especially american, withstand the violent eruption of emotions of individuals sitting next door. However, when applying for a job, all women are honestly warned about the possibility of such communications, while emphasizing, that no one is going to change anything. When I first started working, some moments shocked even me. Before that I worked in companies with corporate behavior and strict ethics. So at first I didn't quite understand, as a trader, sitting opposite, can suddenly take and break the 1,500th monitor. The neighbor on the left occasionally got up and threw various objects into the wall – from ambulance to phone. The guy in the far left corner was regularly breaking the keyboard and mouse., and technical support issued new, – without words. Judging, in stock, which they had, they were not surprised. Then, Really, posted an ad, that for damage to equipment, the perpetrators will be charged double the fee, and I once watched, how one ardent trader brought, It was, over poor keyboard fist, but then, Thinking, confined himself to hitting the table. After working a little, I came up with a proposal to hang a punching bag in the office, and it was taken quite seriously. Here, just did not find where it was possible to securely attach, and then we moved to another room with too high ceilings.

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Only, reading it all, don't think, that traders are some crazy people. The most common, outside of work are the same, as everybody. They live a normal life, go to the movies and church, get married and get divorced, celebrate holidays in a company or family circle. It's just that the job is. well, how, for example, explain to the uninitiated, that you can work all day, get tired to the point of exhaustion, And, not only not to make money, but also to lose them. Truth, how can a twenty-something year old boy make a good car in half a day, Many will not understand this either. See also, what traders tend to, so this sense of humor. If anyone has it, then in this atmosphere it will bloom magnificently and will be approved by all. Even, if humor, sometimes, the black. My ex-boss and buddy Tony, for example, with a sense of humor was all right. Sitting next to him, never got bored, though, sometimes Tony himself was not laughing. Tony played music frequently, selecting different songs to match the market movements. He knew Russian well, so, how he was born and spent his childhood in Tashkent before, how his family moved to America. Those Russian-speaking, who grew up in america, musical preferences are very peculiar. Mostly popular, or Russian thug chanson, or American rap. I'm not a big fan of either, neither, but, surprisingly, the sound of thieves' songs is often, never better, reflected the emotional mood of market movements. Against the background of a desperate struggle, there was a feeling of semi-criminality of everything that was happening.. And the rhythm and words of rapper Eminem, never better, highlighted the line between chance and win, or a loss. Philosophical inclinations are also being properly developed.. If you get in, for example, in the situation, which you cannot control, so you have to accept it and move on. Why be mad? Lost a little on a bad day – Okay. It could be worse. Actually, this is professionalism – minimum losses on a bad day, maximum profit in good. It's the same outside of work. For example, the whole company celebrated Christmas at the Tribeca Hotel. This is a pretty historic place in New York.. Many celebrities lived and stayed there a hundred years ago. And here it is., Dave, chief trader, rented a room for myself, to, means, late drunk don't go home. Number, it's clear, by no means cheap. And here it is., he let it slip, probably, Joked, what, if anyone needs to go far, then can spend the night. Dave comes to his room after the party, and three drunk traders sleep on his bed, and the fourth comes out of the bathroom in his robe. Pissed off Dave? Offended? Yes no, shrugged. What can you do here? Called a taxi and drove home. And that, then the perpetrators were fired? Oh, right. I would like to see the reaction of the president or owner of any other company in such a situation and the consequences.

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well, so we're all about business in general, yes about people? What about money? Yes, money here. Traders have their own ideas about money. And everyone has their own.. One loss in a day, say, thousands of dollars will ruin the mood for a long time, and the other will not cause any emotions. The third, earning the same amount, get upset and say: “Why did I come today?”.


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