
Suddenly began to read imbatrader. This is where the living person is. I miss this liveliness. All thoughts are in the hustle and bustle of vanities ): I almost reread the entire LJ from and to. But stopped. I'll leave it for later. When the lack of positivity tramples — I will draw.

One moment moved me. On the topic, pier, "если\когда я заработаю первый млн, then i:..".Нет, I had no idea of ​​charity. But relatives — в самую точку. About a year ago, I reflected on this topic, but since then, how sad it is, in absolute terms, nifiga did not advance. ): But I gained experience, это да

About its non-unique. The problem is just that, that I am well aware of this. That's why I really don't show off. Or maybe it would be worth it… Although, in the same time, I understand that I am better than some ((:

Another truth of life: I don't really like working in the market. Maybe when megaprofits go, something will change, но пока Trading — this is just the best of all promising options to make money. And at the moment I'm trading only because, that other ways just infuriate me. If we talk about pleasure, then i, undoubtedly, would do video production. [UPD. Remembered, when scalping was very good, I just really dragged myself from this. Probably liked it.]

Talked to EenaK12345. In general, it added optimism. She immediately arranged express psychotherapy for me on the topic of my excessive responsibility. They often tell me here too, that in vain I'm doing self-flagellation. thanks, to you, friends!

From visiting the forum the mood deteriorated. I am still «любят». Didn't have time to appear, immediately ran into pritenzii and a special tone of communication. Yes, figs with him. You can't please everyone.

  Yes then!

It will not be superfluous to remind yourself of something.

  • It doesn't matter if you are right or not, the main thing is how much did you take, when he was right and how much he gave, when not.

This particular phrase is now relevant to me. The previous ones did their job and are no longer relevant.

But in general, need to multiply! Otherwise, there is no point in all body movements., since there is no future…


Consider this a call (to reproduce)! (:

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