Should you buy Apple stock before and after the release of the new iPhone

Until the iPhone presentation 7 just a couple of weeks left. This launch has a huge impact on Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) - in recent quarters, sales of smartphones of the company for the first time in history began to fall - along with revenue. That being said, the next noticeable iPhone update won't happen before 2017 of the year.

so, is it worth buying AAPL stock now based on the success of the iPhone 7, and then the next model? Or quotes have peaked, and it's time to quit the game? Trading last week closed at the mark $108,18, at the same time, at the beginning of the year, Apple shares were worth about $105, so growth cannot be called dizzying.

It is worth taking a look at, how the company's shares behaved after the releases of new iPhones in previous years, and on that, what results could be achieved, buying Apple papers on the day of the presentation and keeping them in the portfolio for a year.

Judging by these numbers, The presentation of the new iPhone is not a reason to buy AAPL without hesitation. Although in general the quotes are growing, one year after the release of the iPhone 5 company shares lost 32% сто­и­мо­сти, and after the release of the iPhone 6s grew by only 16%.

  • iPhone 4s (14.10.2011) — $55,19
  • iPhone 5 (21.09.2012) — $91,96, +67%
  • iPhone 5s (20.09.2013) — $62,86, -32%
  • iPhone 6 (19.09.2014) — $97,19, +55%
  • iPhone 6s (25.09.2015) — $112,31, +16%
  • Now: $108,18, -4%

In general, Apple shares are growing, and since the release of the iPhone 4s have managed to double their value.

Output: almost impossible to guess the moment, to quickly make a profit with stocks Apple, but in the long term, this is a profitable acquisition.


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