Trader Statistics + Blogstocks = Promotion for Traders

Публикуйте свою статистику в блогах на сайте Blogstocks и получите бесплатный доступ к он-лайн сервису “Trader Statistics” for three years.
1. Share(contest) will last until 1 May.
2. For this period, you get full free access to statistics with the condition, what you will publish in your blog on Blogstocks statistics of your transactions, using charts из системы статистики. (example 1, example 2, example 3, example 4 etc.)
3. Everything, who wrote meaningful posts will get annual access to one account like “Standard” on the service “Trader Statistics”
4. By voting results – owners of the three most interesting diaries, from the participants of the action, get access for three years to one account of the type “Standard” либо три счета сроком на один год для себя или в gift друзьям.
Connection instructions.
1. Оформите подписку на этой странице
2. Receive a special promotional code in your email
3. Register in the statistics system
4. Create an account and enter the code received in the letter.
5. The account is activated until 1 May.
6. Upload your trades to the system, using the broker's report.
7. Each system graph has a button “Get the link” when you click on which a screenshot is generated from this chart at the current moment, and a link is given to insert into the forum, to blog, etc..
8. Write a blog post about your trade and insert links to your charts and charts.
1. At least one post must be published within the first two weeks.
2. For that, to get access for one year, by May 1, you must publish in your diary, or in the comments to any other diary, at least five informative posts using charts from the system.
Информация о сервисе here
Посмотрите как выглядит тестовый личный кабинет и графики по этой Link.
“Statistics – it is you, only in numbers.” BUT. Gerchik
  As I promised - my opinion on other blogs from the rating of the stackportal.
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