Account statistics for live show

Hello, on this page I will keep statistics on a real account for beginners – Day Trading on NYSE, NASDAQ — live show

For those who do not know me, I trade stocks with 2008 of the year, started and worked in several prop companies. Trading on the stock exchange is my main way of earning money. You can say, that I live with him, but I like to run other projects like Teachingso and show now.

I had an idea for a long time to do a show, where I will trade in real time on the account and tell, what do i do. To do this, I opened a specially small account in 1000$ in broker and decided to conduct it publicly. I also have my own and investor accounts. At first video you can see my show.

For a trading strategy, you can read My blog and you will find the answer to most of the questions.

And so on September-October:

  • Deposit 1000$
  • Day risk 50$
  • Number of deals 2-3
  • Number of positions 2
  • Max. Shares 200
  • Afternoon trading
  • Target 2000$ deposit

A couple of transactions were in cryptocurrency and hang etherium because of this, the balance does not add up.


Date Gross Volume NET Deposit Record Note
14.09.2017 -7 800 -19 981 Link
22.09.2017 +64 800 +52 1033 Link
25.09.2017 -15 800 -31 1002 Link
27.09.2017 -27.4 1620 -61.4 940.6 Link
02.10.2017 -26 800 -42 898.6 Link
03.10.2017 -54 800 -70 826.6 Link
04.10.2017 Day off.
Analysis of transactions


10.10.2017 link no deals
11.10.2017 +19 400 +11 797 link FOMC
13.10.2017 -13 800 -29 768 link hastened
17.10.2017 -24 600 -36 732.85 link
18.10.2017 -8 400 -16 716.85 link
19.10.2017 -112 1200 -136 580 link
23.10.2017 -13.45 -13.45 567.4 Etherium(-)
  Thoughts on the expected value


















conclusions: Unfortunately, while trading on this account was stopped because. could not completely rebuild on 1 position in 100 stocks and treat this account as real. More like trading on demo. Ditto for such a small account, the commission turned out to be large and you need to make more than 4x CPS, with the usual 1.5. There were no big losses, but also pluses too. It is difficult to trade on other accounts when there are no restrictions and to rebuild the trading plan in parallel for a small account. The broadcast also greatly influenced the result., trade for the show.

Most likely I will increase my account, so that you can not squeeze yourself and follow the plan for the action. Interesting experience, but the implementation was bad. Let's try it differently :)

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