Middle Ages

While our medieval thieves' power is trying to stop the development and progress on the globe, type of introduction of "Internet on passports", normal people do this:

Google запускает 180 satellites for Internet access

Google intends to create a grouping from 180 low-orbit satellites and provide remote regions of the world with Internet connections. The project is led by O3b Networks founder GregWyler. He and the CTO of O3b recently joined Google.. O3b has been backed by Google since it was founded. In June 2013 it launched the first four satellites of its satellite communications network. O3b satellites are launched into medium-earth orbit and weigh approximately 680 Kg.

Google satellites are planned to be made much easier — about 110 Kg — and launch them into a lower orbit. Large technology companies have long been considering the possibility of providing Internet access to remote regions. One of Google's projects, called Project Loon, provides for the launch of balloons with communication stations into the stratosphere.. Facebook, with six other major companies, has launched the Internet program since last August.. org, within which, as CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in March, will experiment with unmanned aerial vehicles, satellites and even laser space communications.

apparently, Russian television will interpret this as violent internetization of innocent Russian citizens, those who want the Internet only with passports and nothing else. We'll have to spend the funded part of pensions over the next year on the jammers of the global Internet from Google.

  New York. SEC intends to restrict "sponsored" access to exchanges
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