Comparison of data providers for US stocks Telechart and PremiumData.

Free historical data on US stocks on Yahoo is no worse than data from any paid sources. The only thing is that if you use the data from Yahoo, you will have to do a lot of work to maintain this data. It will be necessary to delete the retired companies, renamed, add new. If you use companies from indices, you will have to track changes in the composition of indices, etc.. and so on. It takes a lot of time and effort. Moreover, several companies a day leave the stock exchange, either change tickers. Therefore, it is better to use ready-made services., who do all this themselves and deliver the product in a ready-made form, always fresh and ready to eat.

For this reason, I am using two data providers — Telecharts from And
Telechart downloads data from the previous day, practically, мгновенно — one, two minutes and you're done. This is its advantage over PremiumData, which pumps up data much longer. But on the other hand, PremiumData contains data on all retired companies with 1950 of the year. This is indispensable for those who want to accurately test their strategy on historical data.. But this requires the expenditure of computer system resources., since the retired companies are more 40 000 things, as well as, considering that many companies have moved from listed listing to Pink Pages (Pink Sheet), which are also more 10 000, then not every testing program can cope with such a load. But what is important is the very fact that there is data on both retired companies and PinkSheets in PremiumData, and you can use this if you wish.. PremiumData organizes all its lists by itself — for example, if the company has dropped out, then it is removed from the list of active companies and placed in the list of retired companies. And this is done daily, therefore, fresh data is always available and no worries about it.

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Another important thing is, what programs do you use because the above mentioned data providers are not suitable for all programs. Premium Data delivers data in Metastock format, and since most programs support this data, then the list of programs is quite wide. But we must remember that in old programs there is a limitation on 255 tickers in one directory. For newer, there seems to be a limit to 2000 Ticker. That's why, problems can arise when you try to test a lot of tickers at the same time.
The TV Charter has its own format, therefore, significantly fewer programs support this data. You should first see what formats your program supports., so as not to pay money in vain.

Telechart end-of-day data cost — $29 per month. Story free. No data on disposed shares.
PremiumData $25 per month. History with 1950 of the year $160. Data on shares disposed of since 1950 of the year — $240.

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