Again about sentiment.

Mid February, when the markets fell briskly, and talk began about the second wave of the crisis, the general sentiment was bearish, some already doubted, that we will reach the nearest goal in 1400 on the MICEX, rather it was drawn 950 on S&P500. A month and a half has passed, and the market is unrecognizable. Analysts appeared, making predictions about taking new price levels in the near future, and that you shouldn't stand against the trend. However, nothing new under the sun. I'm interested, what percentage of people, at that moment I was thinking in a bearish way, and now thinks like a bull? Are these values ​​equal? Yes, bull side support, liquidity wall, and general optimism contributes to an intense release of endorphins, the positive is colored with rainbow colors, and the negative is unnoticed. But the unbalanced pendulum, if you stop holding it, will inevitably swing in the opposite direction.

  Here's what they got for the new year
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