Система "Futures Trader Daily"

By the way, and the Collective system, which I once advised to take a closer look “Futures Trader Daily” now one of the most popular on Collective. Creator, I understand so, Aronov himself, specialist по WealthLab, creator of some extensions for this program, in particular the adapter for receiving data from InteractiveBrokers, WatchList extensions for WLD6 and whatnot. The man is quite famous and respected. History tests are very impressive, especially RecoveryFactor. All in all, you can read more about the system here:

Here is her equity:

But this, насколько я понимаю, без учета проскальзываний, only with minimal commissions. I twisted it now I was looking through the deals, what instruments are traded, etc.. Thought, can subscribe to her signals for diversification, otherwise, something doesn't work out very well with short-term systems. Well, I decided to check how the equity will look like taking into account slippage.. Judging by the instruments traded, I estimate that slippage should be set at least 30 Dollars (60 per circle), nothing less. Since I did not find slippage in the personal settings, then asked 30 dollars in the commission column. And this is what happened:

After that, I somehow didn't want to subscribe. Can, certainly, imagine that there will be no such slippage, but after all, I have been collecting statistics on slippage of my systems for half a year, so a little savvy in this. Considering that his list contains far from the most liquid instruments, it is very doubtful…..

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