Seminar in Moscow time. How “this” It was)

Seminar in Moscow time.
How “this” It was)

I don't even know where to start)) Che write. Therefore, the first thing that comes to mind, short:
– fewer people came, what was registered. That is, the first one received ~ 120 by moim from 160. In for the second 17 from 25 ((

– the audience is good to me. liked))) Positive .. Many with humor) The seminar was not boring, not only because of me, but because of that, that the listeners were all right with Ch.Yu.)
– I've never seen so many live traders in my life)

– not impressed by the work of the organizers, as from the MICEX, and from IT at the very beginning. IT is late, and mamba did not let anyone. Created a huge queue, which decreased unforgivably slowly.

– Furthermore, IT themselves confessed to me, that they could not keep track of everyone and many passed without paying))) Ie. specially, deliberately slipped from the queue for payment into the queue of those who had already paid and standing in the direction of the MICEX checkpoint))) Well man 12 or more did exactly that.. And this is already minus a piece of bucks)))))) When I heard it – the first reaction was like “lolshto?)) what the pi **** sy))))” But then I thought well and stopped worrying about it. Because if a person deliberately sneaks a hare, what would not pay boblo – then this boblo is the last))) And take the last from the brothers – somehow non-kosher. They were ready to give the last portion of the infusions.. just hear the maitrade))))))  So that.. I even, partly involved in charity work at the MICEX))))))
But in general, of course, laughter)) “Muscovites”))

– All sorts of rofly Sort of, when I just enter the MICEX hall with a girl, but we go in separately, not together. And she hears some dialogue behind her back:
first: Wow.. what do you think – roll up? or will retreat?)
second: Yes No… she's too businesslike
the third barges in: Well you, fuck, and assholes)))) Well this is a maitrade girl)))))))

  What is CanSlim

– since I started about rofly, then since comments annealing)))
“Leha you are the first again! You are the only trader who raised XXXK at the weekend at mamba :)”  (c) [info]broker116
“My first thought, when at the beginning of the seminar they offered tea with sweets: “tell you what is useful or not, not known yet, but we need to eat more tasty, to somehow beat off the seminar” (with) anonymous

“somewhere in the middle of the seminar I looked at my neighbor's notes and read “Lech says not to put feet:))))” yeah, I think this people could not be defeated nor 65 years ago, not now…” (with) [info]jo_golt

– Yes, By the way… fun fact about, that the MICEX is the first time, for the entire alleged history of existence,  opened on weekends for some public events)) well, fuck, how can you refuse, if MAITRADE COMES!!!))))

– Was surprised, that many high officials on mamba know me and even read my LJ))) you can fucking)

– very decent coffee break.

– I liked it very much “after party”  in Tinkoff… I felt very comfortable in the society of traders) Something like that.. very eco-friendly atmosphere..

– Briefly speaking, I really liked everything))) Although, reading seminar 4 hours take all the energy, which is possible)) Vampires are bloody)
Communication over the edge.. that's it, what i wanted!!

– By the dough, if we consider the seminar, as a purely commercial event, then I took away from there no more than 200k. And I counted on at least 350((((  Because. a lot of registrations. But fewer people came, + aircraft costs (22to on 2 person) + losses from organizers (I'm talking about hares), + expenses for gatherings since March, in tinkoff + small costs for a girl, hotel and so.. on little things.

  Может BARELY нам говорит на этот раз "правду"

That's why, basically, while I'm on the wave, I can fly somewhere again. You can leave applications))) &nbsp Хотя, I'm probably better the other day “surveysnow” will do.
Here… And then I will most likely have no time for seminars.. Because. LCHI or SME… All will be in the market until the end of the year at least..

A short video from Tinkoff) We just sat down.. still not talkative)

GENERAL PHOTOS (originals by size):

throw pictures on [email protected] (Dada, with a dash)
If there are many – pack it into an archive and throw it on some, and a link to me in a personal is desirable)

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