Sam Osmanagic. Bosnian pyramids. Part 3

Original taken from corneal in Sam Osmanagic. Bosnian pyramids. Part 3

I advise you to watch all three parts.

Original taken from sergey_gorin in Sam Osmanagic. Bosnian pyramids. Part 3

Sam Osmanagic. Bosnian pyramids. Part 3

The third part of the most interesting lecture by Sam Osmanagich, who researches pyramids around the world and is considered the discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids. He talks about, how at the highest scientific level a campaign was carried out to discredit this artifact. Looking at perfectly-even rectangular sandstone blocks, становится понятно, that official science has big problems…

Translation and voice acting:
Evgenia and Sergey Gorins.
Part 2
Part 1

  We don't care about the wall ....
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