Productivity Secrets From Geek King Nikola Tesla

There are a lot of legends about Nikola Tesla. Still unknown on 100%, what exactly is true, and what is an invention from one of the greatest scientists and mystifiers of the XIX - XX centuries. Scientists are still arguing among themselves. What is just a search for the query "Works of Nikola Tesla". But one thing is certain - Tesla was a great scientist, long ahead of their time. Its principles of operation fascinate many. He could practically not sleep and at the same time his productivity did not fall. In order to understand, will a new invention work or not, It was enough for Tesla just to visualize all this in front of his inner gaze.. The theory has invariably been confirmed by practice.

About that, that his approach to work is truly a model of productivity, a long list of inventions speaks eloquently, which we successfully use to this day.

Did he have any special secrets? Maybe. But he kept them to himself. And I share that, what I could find in various sources.

Секреты продуктивности от короля гиков Николы Тесла


"The action of even the smallest creature leads to changes in the entire universe."
Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla had an incredible imagination. After reading quite a lot of his sayings and scientific articles, I got the impression, that he just knew no boundaries. That is, nothing was impossible for him.. It was enough for him just to close his eyes to, to first in the mind, and then actually recreate that, what came to mind. At the same time he said, that all ideas are not his brainchild - he simply draws knowledge from the huge library of the Universe. But this mystical side of me, perhaps, leave for discussion with friends. Back to practice.


"At that moment, when an inventor designs a device, to implement an immature idea, then inevitably finds himself in the full power of his thoughts about the details and imperfections of the mechanism. While doing fixes and rework, he is distracted, and the most important idea disappears from his field of vision, originally laid. The result can be achieved, but always at the cost of quality loss.

My method is different. I am in no hurry to get down to practical work. When I have an idea, I immediately begin to develop it in my imagination: changing the design, I make improvements and mentally set the mechanism in motion. It doesn't matter to me at all, I control my turbine in my thoughts or test it in the workshop. I even notice, that its balancing was disturbed. The type of mechanism does not matter, the result will be the same. In this way, I can quickly develop and improve the concept, without touching anything.

When all possible and conceivable improvements of the invention are taken into account and no weak points are visible, I give this final product of my mental activity a concrete form. The device I invented invariably works like this, how, according to my ideas, he should work, and the experience goes exactly like this, as i planned. In twenty years there hasn't been a single exception. Why should it be different?»

Tesla believed, that you can not begin to embody the idea until then, until the project is thought out to the smallest detail. This does not mean at all, that you need to get hung up on the little things, perfecting the shape. But the basic principles must be thought out to the smallest detail.. Imagine, that you are a practicing physicist working on a new invention or testing a theory. Immediately you will become more attentive and you will calculate all actions several moves ahead. After all, physics is a serious science and is not the best option for trial and error.. Why should everything be different with your project?? Why run then, which is thought out only in general terms? Practice will tell you the rest?

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“Intuition is something, what is ahead of exact knowledge. Our brain possesses, without a doubt, very sensitive nerve cells, which allows you to feel the truth, even when it is not yet available to logical conclusions or other mental efforts. "

Tesla believed, that a person's natural sensitivity to the space around him plays a very important role. It's just that in the age of technology, we used to forget it., stopped hearing and listening to the inner voice.

Certainly, in his experiments, the scientist relied solely on proven facts and data. But intuition told him, how successful the invention will be and what else needs to be corrected in order, so that everything falls into place. Intuition told the scientist, that the Philadelphia Experiment is not ready for, so that "biological objects" - that is, people. And he was right. At that time, there was no exact data on the effect of electromagnetic waves on the human body., but he connected the behavior of animals and people in the aftermath of his experiments on Long Island and understood, that the health of the ship's crew is in danger.

When you are thinking about something new or working on something, what were you entrusted with, are you listening to your inner voice? After all, part of our intuition is accumulated experience.. All the knowledge gained will forever remain in us, even though we don't always know, how to get to them. And in moments of intense tension, they break out of our subconscious and tell us the right way.


After reading the novel "Son of Aba" Nikola Tesla decided to start training his willpower. At first, these were simple actions.. For example, if he had something tasty, what he really wanted to eat, he gave it to someone else. He went through a gambling addiction, smoking and coffee. Eventually, over the years, the contradictions between desires and will smoothed out, and he came to harmony with the world around him.

“At first it took a lot of internal effort., directed against inclinations and desires, but over the years the contradictions smoothed out, and in the end my will and desire merged into one. So they are now, and this is the secret of all success, which I have achieved. These experiences are so closely related to my discovery of a rotating magnetic field., as if they were an integral part of it; without them, I would never have invented an induction motor. "


“I'm completely exhausted, but I can't stop working. My experiments are so important, so beautiful, so amazing, that I can hardly tear myself away from them, to eat. And when I try to sleep, I think about them all the time. I guess, that I will continue until I drop dead. "

Get up at three in the morning and study until 11 hours of the night without days off. Constant work on yourself and no empty doubts - if an idea comes to mind, then you need to check it, even if your physics teacher is sure otherwise. This is how Tesla's electric motor was born..

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Physical strength

“At that time I was exhausting myself with hard work and continuous reflection. He instilled in me the idea of ​​the need for systematic exercise., and his offer to coach me was readily accepted. We exercised daily, and I quickly gained strength. My spirit is also noticeably strengthened, and when thoughts turned to the subject, absorbing all my attention, I was surprised to note the confidence in success. «

It's about mister Stsigeti, which the, according to the scientist, possessed phenomenal strength. Nikola Tesla maintained excellent physical condition and led a low-key lifestyle, which eventually gave him a long enough life (86 years) and health, despite, that as a child he was on the verge of death three times. As can be seen from the quotes, he thought, that a person's confidence, his mental strength and physical form are inextricably linked.

On the one side, there is nothing fundamentally new on this list - just a repetition of that, that we are now being told from all sides by personal growth coaches and other successful people. Just the example of Nikola Tesla and his achievements are so amazing, that you involuntarily begin to think about, how ineptly we spend the opportunities and time presented to us.

Like someone, who we think is smarter and more experienced, just one phrase can forever discourage our interest in everything new. “It just can't be!"- if Tesla then listened to his teacher, maybe, the world would never see his ingenious inventions. Think, just one phrase or word, spoken with disdain!

He just saw the goal and moved towards it., ignoring the usual rules and questioning the statements of professors. He understood the nature of the fundamental ingredients for success - hard work, constant self-improvement, willpower and intuition. An amazing combination of the qualities of a cold mind with periodic emotional outbursts, expressing acrobatic somersaults and reciting poetry with insights at the end. Incredible experiences and emotions controlled by the same incredible willpower. Visions and mysticism mingled with precise mathematical and physical calculations. After that, the impossible no longer seems so impossible. ;)

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“The great mysteries of our existence have yet to be solved, even death may not be the end. "
Nikola Tesla

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