Yandex secret algorithm

One of the bloggers I don't respect because of the lack of education and upbringing of bloggers gave an example of runet ratings. I decided to take a look, how does Yandex rate bloggers. After some research, I realized, what is their 'secret" algorithm for calculating the rating according to the so-called credibility. I thought I thought, thought i thought. well, I didn't think of how they can 2 cited on the blogger's kratinka with 2 low-activity readers , with no friends, with a very small number of posts and comments to be close in authority with another blogger, which has a lot of posts and comments and active comments.!!!!!!!AND , By the way, authority is higher, than even the aforementioned comrade. As Yandex explains, they have a `` secret formula ''……
so that no one would guess

  Those were on 3 , but yesterday.......
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