Secret Taoist Technique…

… actually there is nothing secret about her, maybe it wasn't the Taoists who invented it, but we must catch up with the fog :). Given by some qigong schools, within the medical unit, still at the first stage. Really surprised, when I showed it to a man, practitioner for several years – he didn't know her. Using this technique, you can even out pressure or remove a headache.. Принцип такой (объясняю, as I understood it and advised to do it, in books or seminars can give differently). With hypertension (повышенном давлении) or headache, lie on our back, arms along the body, palms facing way down, in the centers of the feet presenting red hot balls. We mentally drive away the hot (you can even imagine a fiery) a wave from the crown of the head to the feet area. No need to strain when presenting images. “Кажется есть, it seems not”. If done with a partner, can, so that he passes hands “helped” drive away “волну” way down – making movements along the body, without touching it. On completion, mentally squeeze the balls into points, and lie down relaxing.
Under reduced pressure – lie on your back, hands along the body with palms up, imagine a red hot ball at the top of the head, mentally driving a hot wave from the feet to the head, ball. Не напрягаться, do exercise relaxed, upon completion – mentally squeeze the ball to a point, and lie down. A concomitant phenomenon is noticed – tingling in the palms, feeling of warmth in the surfaces of the hands, facing up (may not appear in everyone).
Take blood pressure measurements (on 2-3 Times, for cleanliness) before and after exercise (several people). If “to” it was high or low, то после, came back to normal, or was approaching her. The same was the case, when the headache went away (it was not possible to measure blood pressure). People were tested as qigong practitioners, and usual, with assistance and independently. Execution time – the main part was enough 5 minutes, but, maybe someone will need more.
I will not express my assumptions, why does it work, qi there flows through the channels, or just activation of the central nervous system, but if someone from the friends decides to check the method for himself, and then write off the results – I'll be very thankful. Work, if thanks to technology, someone will save on pills, and will improve your well-being.

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