El Salvador additionally bought bitcoin in the amount of $25 million

El Salvador President Nayyib Bukele said, that the local government carried out the purchase of additional 420 BTC, thus increasing the total purchased asset to 1120 BTC.

El Salvador additionally bought bitcoin in the amount of $25 million

At the current exchange rate, the entire supply of bitcoin in El Salvador can be estimated at about $66 million.

Based on the bitcoin rate at the time of purchase, then purchase 420 BTC cost the government of El Salvador about $24,7 million. Before that, the last purchase was made more than a month ago. Then Bukele announced the acquisition 150 BTC in addition to previously purchased 550 BTC.

"The wait was long., but it was worth it. We bought bitcoin on the fall of the exchange rate", - shared Bukele on Twitter

As known, Bukele announced the first purchases 6 September, and already 7 September Bitcoin became legal tender in El Salvador (a law was passed in the summer, allowing to do this). Thanks to this law, El Salvador became the first state in the world, recognized bitcoin as legal tender.

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