Merry Christmas!

Was in church yesterday. Already at night. We have directly opposite the office. I have never entered it, and here, felt some need. Will not push inside, full of people. Went outside, зажег candles, and put in the snow, next to several already burning, near the puppet scene of the birth of Christ. Who cares, Where is… Funny toddler ran up: “How beautiful!”. Really, beautiful, and calm down, peacefully on the soul, although all day I was tormented by some doubts, thoughts weighed down.
I noticed a trend in myself (and several friends raised this topic), that I want to do a lot, to tell, change, feel. So that you don't have to regret the life you have lived, like a bunch of missed opportunities. How often it happens, you just need to take a step, lend a hand, say a few words… Time is running out.

  Here it comes
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