Rosenberg on permanent bears

I realize that I am viewed as a perma-bear, but it’s my forecast that is bearish, not my personality. I’m bullish on my kids. I’m bullish on my friends — the few I have. I’m bullish on the New York Yankees — please don’t hold it against me. And I’m bullish on my firm. Look — if I really believed that cash was where
investors should be, I’d be working at a bank, not a wealth management firm.

economists they are always either optimists or pessimists by nature. some believe in “virtual economy” – these are pessimists. others believe that, that progress exists – optimists. of course not to be confused with those who simply cannot understand how to use models and what economic theory is all about.

the ability to combine pessimism and optimism, but stay realistic – hell of a pro.
this is probably why Rosenberg has one of the best track records.

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