Frisky Dozen 2. May the savior come. :)))

Frisky Dozen 2. May the savior come. :)))
by my-trade)

1) I was thinking about a master class... AND… understood, that it will be uncomfortable for me to tell all that, What did you want…  Such information should not be given to the masses.. Well, you can't say that to a large audience.. So I changed my mind. This is the first reason.
The second reason contradicts the first a little.. and is that, what information, which I give very much changes the logic of decision making, vision of the market and processes, that happen on it) A person cannot start thinking differently so quickly.. Просто инертность мышления\сознания.. To say that white is black, and black is red – not difficult, but tyou try to get used to this) Therefore, at seminars, a person nods his head., then he comes home and starts doing everything his own way)))  I have practically checked this already.)
THEREFORE, what would people, with whom I dealt really began to trade profitably, sticking to my strategy – I had to trade with them for 2 weeks, analyzing current situations in real time every day.

2) After thinking a little more, I decided to do everything differently. I want to do not just some kind of seminar, for which and 100$ sorry to give, because there will be no practical sense from it (cm. p1), а действительно, work for the result.


2 weeks (а может и 3) daily trading with my-trade).

The cost 1000 €

I tell all the information on the strategy first to the whole group, then I work individually with each. Office is, there are computers.

I can give a guarantee Togo, that after 2-3 weeks of practice, your results will improve (if you earn <70% per month))
(or “will appear” if they were not there -.-)
Ie….. Dada. You will cut the loot.

  • Why is it NOT expensive.

– Because this is the average Moscow salary) Epte)
– Because you can earn this 1000 € during these 2 weeks, if you do everything according to my strategy. Eventually education you will be free)
– I'm looking at my poses here, and while I got to this line – the depot has already changed for the cost of my master class)) Ппц.. didn’t have time to blink an eye. How will I present, that I will be for the same amount 2 weeks babysitting a man, like a small child, make sure he doesn't do stupid things – so for me the offer seems free. (the post was written on Friday)
– D.S. вон, for 1200 € teaches channels to build))))) И то.. by webinar) And the well-known A.R.. to catch margin calls)) And niche)) People go)) And here I’m also teaching you how to make money.. Wow…


– because, if you do NOT break my rules, which I will voice at the very beginning of the course and at the same time, by the end of 2 weeks, you will be in the red – i will refund you money..

(Of course, I am not responsible for the result directly from your transactions., so if you don't want to risk it – you can trade though 1 контрактом. There will be no losses from him, both truth and profit, but check the strategy.)
Don't think, what are the rules like “cut your losses, let the profits flow” ))) under which you can bring anything and make a person guilty in any trade)))) Do you want to open a position and are in doubt? Show her to me, i can check, whether it meets the required criteria or not. That there were no controversial moments. A clean schedule is enough for me to evaluate and 5-10 seconds of time.

  • A little about my strategy.

No indicators. Смысл заключается в том, what with my vision of the market, which can be completely expanded into logical chains it is determined where the market will go from the current point and with what force. Formal logic + multiple constants = objectivity. Ie. you don't need to buy, because some indicator overlapped somewhere, and you have no idea, why the market should now rise.. When will you come in – you will know for sure, why exactly will it grow. Or will fall. You will be able to understand the processes, на которых всё держится.
– Further… when you know vector, you are looking for a profitable entry point, which I will also tell.
The strategy is versatile and scalable. Timeframe from one hour or more. Aim for several hours or more. Instruments – любые, maximally liquid. The more liquid – the better it works. Stock Indices, currencies, goods – everything is traded according to the same rules.

  It is inevitable anyway

  • If i know, как делать деньги, why i'm not a billionaire yet?

Доводы “why would anyone prove something – show the lamb and we will believe” untenable and do not stand up to scrutiny.
If I have a working strategy – it doesn’t mean yet, that I can trade on it myself. You probably forget, What LJ are you in. This is LJ maitraida. Wipe your fucking eyes. LJ trader, which has no concept, what is discipline in general and trading including. I dont know, what it is to trade clearly according to the system.. even when she is. Ie. trade in general according to any system in principle)) Because the system – this is nothing, as a discipline. Another is not given. Then what results do you expect from me? Where can they come from?
When I trade small volumes – I still keep myself in line.. as soon as I start trading a decent volume – it blows me away at the moment and I give everything that I earned. I either start trading without signals or in spite of them, or I inflate the lot once a 20 etc. and so on. Then again I lower the lot and start to recover. Therefore, I can earn a living, at parties there… python boots.. For shit… But I can't jump higher. “Выезжаю” only on that, that stupidly more often I find myself right in forecasts
I'm like this… the most important thing for the famous turtles, who you yourself know what the result was in the end)) and this despite the fact, that his students earned hooliards. Why? Kovel himself spoke about this at the seminar, which i visited. He said, that their teacher did not follow his own rules and constantly traded against his own students))) But does this fact make his methods unprofitable at that time??

  why is it worth being principled or macro rules

  • Why do I need this?

For that, that of all to whom I will explain my strategy, there will be one.. the best who understood her and the most disciplined. That's why.. who knows.. maybe he will control my trade in the future))) If of course he agrees)) Because maitrade + discipline + RM + MM = lamp.

  • They, who know the grail – they quietly do bullies and will never share it with anyone.

To her)) Quietly with yourself… trade with the left hand)) LOL)
Ни 10, us 20 not even 100 people won't be able to change the rules, on which the most liquid instruments on the planet are traded. Or do you think, what if they all come on signal, it crashes S&P500 with Europe????? )))) Самим не смешно то?


Briefly speaking…

Limited number of seats.
On the 10th person, I close the registration.

There will be no more such a price.
If traders show results –  next group – 2000 € for a ticket. Minimum.
And no more 5 human.

So that, who did not have time – he was late.
Time has gone.

  • To register – шлите свой mobile number and name me at [email protected]. I fix the first 10 писем.
  • For all questions call me on +7(926) 27 12084.
  • If you read this post late – write anyway. I will keep you in mind.
  • If you are not from Moscow and plan to come – specify.
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