Made up my mind

 I did not want to express my opinion about the events in Libya. In general, I do not like to touch on political games because these are complex games and not knowing the alignment of forces and interests, almost impossible to be objective. And express your emotions are called incontinence to put it mildly,not to mention, that you show your misunderstanding.
Reading hot comments on various blogs, the question arises as to whether, why no one so ardently defends the rights of people in dictatorial countries, why didn’t anyone perform too much , when in the same Iraq Hussein did , What did you want?!!! Some people say, that this is their country , they have their own notions of democracy and so on…
Understand, that a military invasion of any country on the surface looks terrifying! No one likes military action and human casualties. In this case,I ask myself a question ,  why wasn’t there found an international force to stop Hitler in the embryo of his Nazi aspirations??
Modern society cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past. The pacifists before World War II also thought, that war can be prevented by peaceful steps. If you do not intervene and do not coordinate the restrictions on the development of nuclear weapons, then , what would prevent Gaddafi or Hussein from using nuclear weapons. Yes, if North Korea could, I would have already used.
What I want to emphasize, so this is the need for such an international body, some World Firefighter, who could extinguish that, what could be a global conflagration. Understandably, that in such a body will be the main influence of the hegemon's country, otherwise it cannot be. Such a country will always have leverage over other countries.. In this case, it is the USA, and in the old days it was a confrontation between two camps. in one of which the USSR played a huge role
Returning to the situation in Libya, tell whether the UN did the right thing right away, not having
historical perspective, difficult. Any hypothesis can be put forward… and interest in oil and so on. But , Pardon, why is there opposition in Libya? Maybe the people are already tired of the Gaddafi regime, which does it , what stuffs his pockets.
Back to Russia, for example.
Many haut the country, outraged by corruption , "blowing bubbles" – that's all you can do? If you are against the regime, then what can you do nothing. and it’s unlikely that you will do anything? A rhetorical question arises, if you are not able and there would be a hypothetically external force( albeit alien) come and overthrow this power, how would you feel about it? Maybe you should put yourself in the shoes of the Libyans.!!?

  ACHN Explosive

I agree , that any means cannot be justified by the end and the change of social formations is always a painful process, but what is the way out, be under pressure for hundreds of years? Or still resort to short-term surgical intervention, after which you can breathe.
How many of you are there, who will suffer from illness all their life, instead of the chance of a quick surgery?!
Everything, what happens in society is painful, To lose a job, when you are a breadwinner and you have a family and living in hopelessness is no less painful, than that, what is happening anywhere in the world.

I'm not trying to justify anyone , but I just raise a question for that, so that screaming " Ouch, Wan, look, what clowns…" did not look at the world through the prism of emotions, and through the prism of historical necessity.
Sorry for the confusion.

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