Recommended number of variants for the Monte Carlo method from the total number of variants.

Recommended number of variants for the Monte Carlo method from the total number of variants.

There is 3 variables, each of them has a set number of values,
X = from 1 to 50; step = 1;
Y = from 1 to 100; step = 1;
Z = from 1 to 300; step = 1;
The combination of these variables (for example 32;75;189) gives the maximum result.
To find the maximum result, you can iterate through the full number of options, you get X * Y * Z = 1 500 000 вариантов.

As everyone knows, when using Monte Carlo, you need to set the number of runs (Passes) and the number of approaches(Runs) in each run per line.
For example, 200 runs and 100 approaches. As a result, it will turn out 20 000 вариантов.
But one could take 1000 runs and 600 approaches = 600 000 вариантов, or 50 runs and 40 approaches = total 200 вариантов

20 000 = 1.33% from the total number of options,
600 000 = 40%,
and 200 Total 0,133%

Obviously, what 40% better 1.33% and the more the values ​​of the number of runs and approaches will be, the more options there will be and the closer the maximum value obtained by the Monte Carlo method will be to the maximum value obtained from the total number of options.

Therefore, I would like to know if there is an optimal recommended number of options for the Monte Carlo method from the total number of possible options.
Probably, this translates into %%.

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