Divorce in Nizhny Novgorod

& quot; Matrimony" turned out to be not long term. I agreed at the beginning for reasons, that the approach to the market will be symbiotic, but it turned out , that we have a different point of view, how to approach the market situation and the methodology of approach to trading differs. Therefore, the initiator decided , that we don't fit together and I ,undoubtedly, did not object.
As a matter of fact, I didn't need it initially, agreed to the offer, and now since I am asked to continue, then our services have disconnected, so everyone chooses his own path to the truth :)

Below is a table of model deals. To tell, I'm happy with the statistics, I can't. The start was good, but last month pumped up. The last 7 deals were negative, although as I noted earlier in the posts, almost every one of them in the intraday was quite good( about 1%), for the subscriber to take profit , either closed at breakeven.
Once again I want to emphasize the essence of the model signal. The fact, that these signals are discussed in advance in the chat in real time and each participant can be ignored, and take signals and they are given the opportunity to manage their money management. which is indicated repeatedly in real time and stops at breakeven are encouraged. Nevertheless, the model signal has a `` life of its own ''. Some followers trade more positionally, some are more active. The essence of the signal is to generate entry points with good likelihood. Undoubtedly, what in volatile and frequently unfolding markets, the likelihood of settling down grows, which was obvious in September.
The main thing. What I paid attention to ,this is to minimize losses on each trade, avoiding large drawdowns. Because for many beginners this is of paramount importance., but the focus was on fund management. The motto is simple enough.:
" Learn to float first, and then improve your swimming style ''.
The main purpose of the service is not only signals,and chatting in real time, discussion of what is happening, minimizing compulsive transactions, money management, intermarket analysis and so on.
so, quarterly statistics:
Undoubtedly, that this is not a deposit, and specific deals, excluding leverage and commissions. Understandably, what's in the trading process trader may vary by position size and from this the result of changing the deposit will be different.

  New system for futures.

Amount of deals-  32
Number of profitable- 12
Number of negative- 19
Number of neutral- 1

Total result- 2.73%
The most profitable trade- 4.76%
Maximum negative trade- 2.40%
Maximum intraday drawdown and on the trade as a whole–2.40%
Average profitable trade- 1.93%
Average negative trade- 1.09%
Checkmate waiting – Positive


Opening a deal Closing the deal Result
Date Time Issuer Ticker Signal Price Date Time Signal Price %  
30.09 21:03 Silver   Sell short 21.86 1.1 18:12 Stop close 22.15 -1.33%  
30.09 22.53 Copper   Sell short 3.652 1.1 5:00 Stop close 3.67 -0.49%  
24.09 20:36 S&P 500 IT IS Sell short 1141.25 30.09 16:33 Stop close 1143 -0.15%  
23.09 16:13 Gold   Sell short 1290 24.09 13:52 Stop close 1300 -0.78%  
23.09 0:15 S&P 500 IT IS Sell short 1120 24.09 18:07 Stop close 1140 -1.79%  
16.09 16:50 Sberbank SBER03 Sell short 83.5 30.09 17:40 Stop close 85.5 -2.40%  
10.09 20:35 S&P 500 IT IS Sell short 1105.5 17.09 0:12 Stop close 1127 -1.94%  
10.09 20:35 PTC RI Sell short 148400 15.09 13:13 Close 148250 0.10%  
13.09 16:13 Sugar SBV0 Sell short 22.65 13.09 17:30 Stop close 22.85 -0.88%  
30.08 11:29 Copper GHGZ0 Sell short 3.4165 30.08 16:10 Stop close 3.43 -0.40%  
30.08 18:31 Copper GHGZ0 Sell short 3.402 30.08 19:10 Stop close 3.425 -0.68%  
30.08 20:10 Copper GHGZ0 Sell short 3.4235 31.08 10:52 Cover ½ 3.358    
          3.4235 31.08 16:55 Cover 1/2 3.385    
30.08 10:45 S&P500 SPX Buy long 1055 2:09 12:43 Close ½ 1080    
            3:09 10:52 Close ½ 1088    
19.08 15:12 Copper GHGU Sell short 3.3825 19.08 15:35 Cover ½ 3.34    
          3.3825 20.08 11:03 Cover ½ 3.2875    
3.08   Sberbank SBER03 Sell short 85.5 10.08 16:55 Cover 1/3 81.88    
          85.5 11.08 16:26 Cover 1/3 80.75    
          85.5 13.08 11:16 Cover 1/3 81.65    
6.08 16:30 Copper GHGU0 Sell short 3.3695 9.08 12:25 Stop close 3.3825 -0.39%  
5.08 17:00 Sberbank SBER03 Sell short 84.5 6.08 16:30 Close 83 1.78%  
5.08 16:30 Copper GHGU0 Sell short  
  Woman investor
3.375 5:08 18:47 Cover 50% 3.35    
          3.375 6:08 16:00 Cover 50% 3.375    
5.08 15:06 Wheat ZWU0 Sell short 7.69 5.08 15:33 Stop close 7.77 -1.04%  
5.08 13:22 Wheat ZWU0 Sell short 7.4775 5.08 14:30 Stop close 7.59 -1.50%  
5.08 12:11 Wheat ZWU0 Sell short 7.42 5.08 14:18 Stop close 7.55 -1.75%  
5.08 10:40 EURO EUR/USD Sell short 1.3125 5.08 16.3 Stop close 1.3225 -0.76%  
3.08 13:10 Copper GHGU0 Sell short 3.35 4.08 19.16 Stop close 3.3975 -1.42%  
15.07 0:01 S&P500 IT IS Sell short 1091.75 19.07 10:30 Cover 75% 1064    
          1091.75 22.07 19:30 Cover 25% 1091.75    
15.07 15:30 RTS RIU0 Sell short 142000 19.07 10:30 Cover 75% 138000    
          142000 21.07 12:45 Cover 25% 142000    
14.07 22:19 RTS RIU0 Sell short 141000 15:07 12:45 Stop close 142500 -1.06%  
12.07 17:33 RTS RIU0 Sell short 138500 12.07   Stop close 139300 -0.57%  
12.07 12:55 RTS RIU0 Sell short 135600 12.07   Stop close 137600 -1.40%  
2.07 17:16 S&P500 IT IS Buy long 1025 7.07 18:59 Close 1040.25 1.49%  
2.07 17:16 RTS RIU0 Buy long 130400 5.07 11:49 Stop Close 130400 0.00%  
22.06 13:38 RTS RIU0 Sell short 143500 25.06 11:22 Cover 1/2 140000    
          143500 24.06 16:41 Cover 1/2 141000    
22.06 13:37 Sberbank SBER03 Sell short 82.5 24.06 16:36 Cover 80.68 2.20%  
  About the Unsleeping Boy by Channel One

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