Emerging markets are growing.

Something Russian stock market lags far behind all emerging markets since the beginning of the year. As if not developing at all, but some kind of stagnant because everything has already developed to the limit and there is simply nowhere to develop further. Pay dividends only to shareholders…. :)

Here, for example:

Turkey +46,99%
Mexico +30,09%
India +26,70%
Emerging Markets Index +26,59%
China +25,93%
Argentina +25,57%
Russia -1,34%

By the way, emerging markets this year nearly three times ahead of the broad US market. If Russia had not failed, hanging around the neck of the emerging markets index, it could have made America four times. Это означает что деньги текут на развивающиеся рынки, but they don't get to us because of the sanctions.

Developing markets +26,56%
USA SP-500 +9.77%

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