
I decided to analyze my views

who posted to the public.

Here's what happened:

What do I personally see here?? Yes, and sobsno, на всех other analyzes of their views too. My goals are too big. And while the market goes to them – things happen, which I ess-but could not predict in any way))

As a result, my sentiment changes with the market.
As one famous dude used to say:“I'm changing my mind – circumstances have changed. What would you do if you were me?”

That's why, isn't it easier to just stupidly designate your market sentiment without goals and deadlines, but before the fact of cancellation? After all, objectively – the vector in each recommendation was correct.

So that all the content of the message is reduced to only one: which is more preferable now on indices – быковать или медведить.
All… nothing extra. Binary logic.. or up or down.

And it won't bother me and it won't take time)

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