Since the booze has gone……

 Since many people touch on the topic of justice and touch on Wall Street, then I will express my opinion.
At the beginning of my career, I came to the following conclusion, by looking at how much TOP management earn in public companies in the USA and what happens to the rest.
And the conclusion is this: " Enrichment OF FEW at expense of others",  which in translation means in free translation `` Enrichment of the elect at the expense of the rest ''.
How does it work. And yes: all share capital is gratuitous gift investors of the company in the hope of future earnings. When the market rises or falls, management has good earnings plus much more bonuses, than any that average Joe. But a large number of Joe creates decent money capital.
If not for the publicity of companies, then they will not see bonuses and salaries, which are thousands of times higher than the average.  What do investors have?. well , for example, stock выросла вдвое и вы сделали 100%, well, let's say you invested 100 thousand bucks and made 100 thousand bucks. And the company's capitalization could grow by billions of dollars. Thanks to the optional package and all sorts of incentive mechanisms( Sort of % from capitalization growth) TOP manager will receive millions. For what?  After all, he already receives a salary and it is his duty to improve the work of the company.. I don't like getting a 250K salary, we will find a replacement for you if you do not fulfill your duties well. And in this case, him several million dollars of cashing in options by selling them on the open market ( to whom? into the hands of other suckers) or simply from the company's profit. Why is it that bonuses for the whole world do not differ hundreds of times more than the salary, and in public companies this is almost the norm.
I no longer touch " golden parachutes"  at 50 million dollars, and if you remember Steve Grasso , governing NYSE, who was paid more than 100 million. What is asked for, what did he do or create?

  Survey result : Where do you trade

And if you look at the wealth effect now. Average Joe queues for unemployment benefits, while the capitalization of companies grows and the same options and top managers' shares grow with the market. And if Joe had 50-100K., then the absolute increment is not that great. Bankers will not be left out either., them FED well fed.
What to say about mutual and pension funds, they then help to raise the market capitalization, well Joe will do his " pennies" , the main millions will go to individual pockets"OF FEW".  Can go on indefinitely….
Well, we traders should pinch off something, what the market gives.
It's life

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