Pseudo-fundamental fishing rod.

Already mentioned, what theoretically, stock того же Сбера, can cost as much as you like. From the point of view of a trader-speculator, it is useless to look for a deep meaning in a particular price movement, глупо, and harmful to the deposit. Certainly, when you enter a positional short on one known security, but she still does not fall, and more, begins to rapidly accelerate in its growth, думаешь: “Not, well, it can't, what are we growing on?!!!”. Moreover, the position was announced in LJ :) At times like these, blogs and analysts become popular., which explain, how bad it is, and how fast everything is… uh-uh, Fall. It's just a balm for the soul of people, stuck in shorts. Since our perception of reality is selective, and subconsciously we are always looking for confirmation of our own point of view, but we are reluctant to change it, during these periods, в коментариях, sufferers cheer each other up: “a bit more, be patient a little more, and we will be in chocolate”. I honestly, I came across like this several times, last butted just about, with Sberom, and the eurodollar. Doesn't justify the likely revenue of the effort. Plus complete discomfort, instead of doing something useful, dull contemplation of the terminal, apocalyptic reading, calculating correction targets, strengthening your own point of view and maintaining it on the blog, monetary resources are involved in the position, and instead, чтобы приносить прибыль, are rapidly decreasing. Reluctance to buy, with clear buy signals, because “a collapse is about to happen”. How not cool – wedge everywhere. I just went out now, already partially recaptured losses, and the market began to see wider, though, such drawdowns contribute to the search for the Grail, for example, what a definite plus.
Посмотрел, since morning, some bloggers – what 80 Sberbank cost, what 100 rubles, what 1150 S&P500, what 1190, the direction of the messages has not changed: “collapse, everything is bad, everybody gets bred, fundamental terrible”. Although the amount of work done, when writing an article, Sometimes, amazes. Удивляешься, that he himself spent time in such discussions, nothing constructive, apart from wasting time, not giving. Gentlemen, we are not investors, largely, the search for truth shouldn't bother us at all. We are artisans. Good luck, and don't read Soviet newspapers Analysts.

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