Woke up

The nighttime image of trades has led to, that I go to bed about six in the morning, but I wake up in the afternoon about 3. It's getting dark outside by this time. I don't see the white light (:

But today I had to get up in 8, so that in 10 be on the other side of town… As a result, I slept for about an hour or two.. You can imagine what kind of cotton wool was in my head at that moment.

And with this cotton wool I got into the terminal. As a result, climbed into the long against Asia, which opened with a confident hike down, and also averaged. In principle, I knew that it would roll back, but put the take on the minimum wage and went on business… How I came and got to the computer, looked, which closed and rejoiced. I do not advise you to repeat such a joke.

…now I woke up, at one o'clock in the morning (: Tweezers. Well, the regime.


Made in a week 8.7%. Yes, despite the fact that the amount is super small, psychological pressure is taking place. This is not on a demo account. 100% to have it every week.

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