Prop maitrade

There is a trend.. Most of those, who taught me – would like to stay in the room and trade with me on an ongoing basis..

That's why, I think “prop maitrade” will be faster than the website))) Maybe even literally on the sl. week..

В чем смысл?
У меня есть “asset”.. I I trade in a plus and explain, how i do it.  At least already with 3 groups within 6 weeks… I really plan to continue the trend.

Person, when this happens, it is not easy to see “stupidly signals”.. and also understands what I am doing and why.

All in all, conditions are as follows..

Хочешь – you can trade physically in the trade room.. if you live in Moscow. You will have your own workplace in the hall and all that .. Personally, I will be in the immediate vicinity.. and broadcast of my trading terminal with all positions too.

For all other residents of Russia there will be виртуальный трейд рум. Так же с трансляцией video с моего экрана и общением по Team-speakу.. They will see and hear everything that happens in a real trading room and will be able to ask questions. There won't be many questions.. because. we trade about 10 instruments.. so that after analyzing the current situations all questions disappear.

This service will only be available to those, who passed me education.. otherwise you just won't understand what we are talking about and I will have to spend too much time on explanations.

Весь этот hemorrhagic for me will cost you 15% from profit…  
Why do I need this? Well first of all it's good money, and secondly, I trade in a more disciplined way.. Ie. when a lot of people look at your deals – attempts to screw up are reduced significantly. Thirdly мне это нравится.

  in spartafx

Questions? Offers?

Questions are only general.. specifically on the idea as a whole.
I will tell you all the nuances individually.. What, Where is, when and how.

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