Intermediate Slippage Statistics.

Since the beginning of the year, I have been keeping statistics on slippage of futures instruments when opening / closing a position using a stop order. Everything on my sheet 37 futures.

  • Since the beginning of the year there have been 82 transactions.
  • IN 44 cases there was slippage.
  • IN 5 cases there was negative slippage, that is, in favor of the trader.
  • Average slippage per trade in dollars — 21,62
  • Average slippage in one trade in ticks — 2,48

This is not a circle, but for a transaction. That is, to find out in a circle, must be multiplied by 2. We get approximately 44 dollar or 5 Ticks. If we add about 6 dollars or 1 tick on commission, then we get that when testing systems for a portfolio of futures, it is necessary to take into account the costs in one transaction 50 dollars per circle, or 6 Ticks.

Most Outstanding Slips (>50 Dollars) Were:

  • Coffee — (281.25)  (56.25)  (56.25)
  • Gold (50)  (80)    
  • Palladium 175
  • Cotton 145
  • Lumber 66
  • Oat 50
  • Nicky 50
  • Platinum 65
  • Soybean oil 90
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