Trader's occupational diseases

It's not a secret to anybody, that traders are subject to a number of professional. values. Unbalanced nutrition, constant stress and problems with the spine due to the forced posture in front of the monitor - all these factors are familiar to every second person. Today we decided to talk about the aforementioned problems and discuss ways to solve them on the pages of the fresh review..

This is far from the idealistic profession of a free and independent person with a five-figure monthly income and a carefree life.. Today, earning traders become themselves, spending countless hours in front of your PC monitor. In such conditions, it becomes more and more difficult for advancers to earn their daily bread, and all this happens in a state of constant nervous tension..


If you are already trading in more 3 Months, with a high degree of probability, one can assume, that you are in a state of chronic neurotic disorder and it is high time for you to do something about it. And even considering the fact, that the author of this article has a higher medical education, he will not take the responsibility of "curing by photography". In any case, you will need a professional consultation with a neurologist. Even in a paid clinic in your city, you will spend money on it ~10$, And, Believe it, it's worth it.

Do not be alarmed, if you are prescribed anxiolytics or even mild antidepressants. To date neurosis, according to statistics, suffer about 20% Progressive Humanity, and with our line of business, we are unlikely to pull this “comparison with the underpair

Sleep problems

For many, the situation is familiar, when you can't close your eyes for several hours after the day closes at the limit., often suppressed if the loss was impressive for your deposit.

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For many traders, sleep problems can become chronic, And, ideally, If you have this problem, you need to consult a specialized somnologist. But, Unfortunately, Sensible specialists in this field are available only in large cities. The author of this article recently discovered a qualitatively new solution to this problem., which combines elements of acupuncture and proper breathing. If there is no time for yoga, that's exactly that, What do you want

This problem may also have another root cause - if dyscirculatory disorders and periodic interruptions in the work of the heart are added to sleep problems., then most likely you have acquired a symptom complex for yourself, which in our countries is vaguely called vegetative-vascular dystonia. Here, one cannot do without the consultation of narrow-profile specialists.

Osteochondrosis and spinal problems

"Forced position in front of the monitor and physical inactivity" – This is a serious problem XXI century. It also thrives among traders.. Is it worth it to say, That practically a panacea in this case is sports in one form or another. Crossfit, yoga, classes in the gym with a trainer, and even Pilates "It's all that, what, often, will help you solve most problems with your spine and health in general.

Another thing, when problems with the spine are systemic and cannot be solved by playing sports. The most common disease in this group is cervical osteochondrosis of varying severity.

The symptoms of this tricky disease can be the most extensive - from pain in the heart and pressure to headaches and sleep disturbances.. Yet again, you should not self-medicate and before any manipulations with yourself it makes sense to consult with a knowledgeable person, who dedicated to it 7+ years of his life.

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Maybe, you will be prescribed chondroplastic drugs, maybe, sent for acupuncture, we will leave this question to the discretion of the attending physician. Anyway, if there is a problem with the spine, it is better to start solving it immediately after reading this article

Power problems

On the topic of nutrition among poker players has already been written, I guess, not one hundred articles. Almost everyone knows, that nutrition should be balanced, ideally 6 one-time, Contain complexes vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids... And they continue to sharpen sandwiches in between.

Gastritis is almost the norm today. (Helicobacter pylori bacteria, as known, found in almost 100% Surveyed), But if you start the process, they are waiting for you gastroduodenitis, GERB and even ulcers with excruciating pain.

Dry Eye Syndrome.

This disease occurs as a result of prolonged wear of the lenses., staying too much in front of a computer monitor, dry indoor air. Symptoms - Redness and dryness of the eyes. A person focused on work blinks much less often., which leads to eye discomfort.Ophthalmologists We are concerned about such morbidity statistics, insofar as, if nothing is done in time, that neglected disease can lead to serious consequences. But there is a way. You just need to take more breaks., working at the computer, giving your eyes time to rest. Reduce lens wear to a minimum. Try to blink more often. There are special "artificial tears" for symptom relief.


As a result of constant sitting in the same position, the appearance of blood clots begins. Clots tend to migrate throughout the body, as a result, a heart attack may occur, stroke or even sudden death. That this terrible disease never touches you, try to lead an active lifestyle, limit the intake of fatty foods and sweets, Alcohol. Less nervous.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

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The rhythms of life have become much faster, I want to have time to do as much as possible, but I don't have enough strength for anything. This is the result of vitamin deficiency, diseases of the immune system. Try to support your body with vitamins, plan your daily routine correctly. Work time should be followed by rest time. Relax, giving the ability to turn off the brain, at least minutes for 10. Enjoy your vacation.


As a result of prolonged sitting, such a delicate problem arises.. The number of sufferers of this ailment is approaching the mark 70%. To prevent a problem from arising, try to get up and walk around periodically. Monitor bowel function and avoid constipation. Drink liquid before 1,5 l per day. Eat foods, promoting good digestion

Carpal tunnel syndrome.

During long-term routine work at the computer, the hands are in the position, which puts stress on the hands. Numbness of the fingers appears, and sometimes convulsions. Exercise your fingers and change your hand position periodically.

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