Keep on falling?

Epic Markets Fall, probably few people expected a repeat, but spydell always told you, that you are dealing with thieves and criminals, so watch your pockets and don't yawn, when dealing with the financial system.
Why I Speak So Long About the Collapse of the Financial System? By its structure, it is tailored for the permanent growth of debts. – this is a feature of the system, that's why she grew and developed. And the imbalance is, that while maintaining the size of the financial system, achieved under the same credit frenzy, now the debt machine malfunctioned and stopped. This gap is compensated for through risky transactions in the financial markets. However, due to the specifics of the closed system, compensation for failure in credit directions through speculation in the markets cannot last forever., because. the system will not be able to expand steadily without the support of the real sector of the economy.
In other words, volatile handjob in the markets +-20% only supports the functioning of banks in a limited mode, but does not lead to progress and development in the banking system. In the long term, this imbalance must be addressed in two ways.. First, it stays like this, as it is and the economy comes to life, запускаются кредитные, debt mechanisms and the system returns to its previous form. but, later 3 this does not happen for a year. No loans are taken and even if the landslide has stopped, but the bottom has not yet been groped, но даже, if they feel, there will be no explosive growth, which would tidy up the balance sheets of banks.
The second way is radical, but more realistic in the context of the current situation. Deleveraging will continue, system compression. And the compression of the system is possible through the bankruptcy of the fin. institutions. The financial sector has become disproportionately large relative to the needs of the real economy. Many unnecessary units, направлений, tens of trillions of worthless derivatives. The system is sick, she needs treatment through amputation.
So sooner or later, but at least backwards, even in front, but the financial system must match the needs of the economy. Now they run into, but only in the medium term does it work. If the economy doesn't work, and everything goes exactly to this, then we are still waiting for another crisis, even if bankers resist it.
Heh, the markets are fun. Everything fits into the previously described scenario. Stopped exactly at 1100, bounced to 1200, loops should be tested now and will probably break through. The fall isn't over yet, так как я говорил, what they need a few months, to shop.
  Wildness is simple
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