6 films about Warren Buffett

Billionaire Warren Buffett does not suffer from excess modesty. Recently, another biography film about him "Becoming Warren Buffett" was released..

1. «Woodstock for Capitalists» movie went out in 2001 year. Together with Buffett, partner Charlie Munger also starred in it.. A fun musical documentary about the everyday life of a billionaire, filmed by a team from Australia.

2. Movie Warren Buffett: Money Making "was filmed in 2009 year, in it, Buffett spoke about the difficult path from a Coca-Cola seller in banks to an investor, topped the Forbes list.

3. IN 2009 year Buffett played the wise mentor of four teenagers in the first episode of the cartoon "The Secret Club of Millionaires". Children learn financial basics by the example of their own business. They will have to face dishonest politicians, corrupt accountants and corporate raiders. Moreover, Buffett agreed to participate in the project free of charge.. "Now is the best time, to teach our children financial responsibility ", – said Buffett about this. Buffett's hero looks very much like the investor himself., although he asked to draw someone resembling George Clooney.

4. "Wall Street: Money does not sleep " – the most famous Buffett feature film. He played himself in a small episode, but together with Hollywood star Michael Douglas.

5. Buffett's documentary “Stories of Great Entrepreneurs”. Warren Buffett "was released in 2013 year. It begins with a story about, how in 11 years old Buffett borrowed money from his father and bought 3 promotions for $38 Dollars. Soon their price rose to $40, and Buffett earned $5, closing position. However, after a while, the shares went up to $200. Little Buffett burst into tears and grasped the truth forever, that a successful investor needs to be able to wait.

6. Another attempt to tell something new about life, trading strategy and role during the crisis 2008 Buffett's years 2015 year undertaken by Bloomberg, by making the film "Warren Buffett. The best investor in the world ". In it, Buffett's friend Bill Gates notes: “To learn something from Buffett, just watch that, how he reads the news and acts ".

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