Про развитие и мышление

Про развитие и мышление

I never cease to be amazed at the comments “so what do you say about the fact that the news is not important?=) they just need to be foreseen, and not chase them…”
This is about the latest movements in the market.

Я вам чесна скажу – I don’t even know any summits and don’t even watch, is there something today in 16:30.
Even if we hypothetically assume, that it is news that creates such movements, then it turns out, if i buy, I know for sure, what will be decided at the summit?? How can I know for sure, what will they decide there? Вы что, fucked?

And I sold gold, because I knew, what will Bernanke decide? Do you think, I learn from him in ICQ, what did he decide there?

And if I am not aware of all this news noise and can predict mid-term reversals – it means they are not formed by Benei.. and not summits! And completely different!
And the already happened movements, the owners “casino” explain by suitable events, pushing into the background at this moment all inappropriate.


If you think, that the reason for the price movement depends on, what will be decided at the summit – then it saves you thinking. This is a flawed view of the market. Because. these movements do not depend on, what YOU decide, and from that, what will some dick decide.
And it is most likely impossible to constantly predict the decisions of strangers., that's why you don't fucking do. And then when the already happened movement is explained by the decision taken – nothing remains, how to buy on the hae)))))) And where exactly to buy, а не продать, because. some dick decided it)) As a result, you turn into market amoebas..
Everything you can do, is to try to guess in advance, what is there who decides.. moreover precisely угадать.

  LIGHTNING!!!!!! LCHI-2015. WHERE IS TATARIN?????!!!!!

“Alexey hello .
Я начинающий trader .
Haven't entered the market for a year 4, forced to leave. that did not understand how the price was moving ? and most importantly, I did not understand why this was happening.
I was told about some indicators in moving lines , I always asked fucking yes where are you from at least 50 % that the market will go the wrong way, because all indicators are based on the past.
And I don't like when I don't understand something .
Ну и вот наткнулся на твое video в ютюбе и у меня шторка с глаз упала!!!!!
I directly watched the product video on the background of the graphs when you drew there , removed fuck all the turkeys and lines otavil only volumes .
loaded a demo on forex ( yes yes on forex we will not start any more yet, what, since the rogue still )
I registered for the competition for a cash prize so that there would be motivation and EPT I did not drain the depot but did it in a week 18 % !! for someone it is not enough, but for me it is a small success.”

These are the letters I receive every week., which is sincerely glad in my heart.. I know, that it is specific that this dude was just lucky and I have nothing to do with it) But I'm glad that, what give birth motivation to remove indicators, channels and news and enable mosk… Just start thinking, how the market works, start self-development. You don't have to think like me. Just try to look at the market “without stamps”. Well, remove the smartlab of course =) Because. this is the quintessence of all market mantras, which infect the crowd, inevitably losing money.

и это..
i won't fucking))

just like going to smartlabik, I really want to cry.. how people trade in 6-7 years and during all this time have not moved a step in understanding. They still use stamped book concepts., having nothing to do with real life.


Generally, I haven't written anything new again.. но это не значт, that the record is useless) Because. sooner or later people will want to think..

I do not need to be assessed personally, it will still not be objective. I will make a website – here and appreciate)

All professional growth!

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