About dolls and religion)

About dolls and religion)

Regularly in the net I see such judgments of certain individuals, pier, if people believe in puppeteers and write about it – it means he is a noob and does not understand anything in trading)))
I, As a person, falling under this category, ess-but disagree with this :)
And I will explain why.

The fact, what a concept “puppeteer” – this is not money management, not a stop loss, not a trading signal or any other concept, directly influencing trading decisions at work. If I enter, for example, from the volume and I say, here the dolls were stocked – then what difference does it make who's actually stocked up there.. I will still enter from the volume.. because I have a signal. A doll – it is rather a synonym for the word “market”. Puppet (market) stopped/carried out/spread out/shaken out/loaded, etc.. etc.)) This is just one of the faces of the market.. it makes it easier for people to imagine it.

Think, it happens because, that people cannot understand the whole market at all 100% “FROM AND TO”.. this is some kind of immense phenomenon of human consciousness.. as the universe and the essence of being)) And when a person is not able to understand that mechanism, which is a thousand times more difficult than him – then all sorts of deified characters appear)))  In life they are buddhas, allahi, jesus and so on.. In trading, here are the puppeteers :))

You don't say, what “since he believes in aliens and in hara krishnu, then he is a noob in trading :))
Therefore, I see absolutely no contraindications about belief in dolls.. For God's sake… though, fuck, in “unknown shit” believe with cthulhu……. if only risk management is respected and traded only on their own signals . And you will be happy…   probably :)

  Want to sell signals?)

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