about the accident of the abbot of the Russian Orthodox Church CJSC, who was peacefully passing on XXX Z4, it was cho?

Original taken from akrivshenko in about the accident of the abbot of the Russian Orthodox Church CJSC, who was peacefully passing on XXX Z4, it was cho?

According to the traffic police, the abbot could be the culprit of the accident, who, driving a BMW sports car with dipnomers, crashed into two cars. Eyewitnesses claim, that the abbot was drunk and refused a medical examination. The priest's lawyer insists, that he was not drunk, but took medication before the accident.
According to traffic police, the accident happened 31 July at about 23.30 on Zatsepsky shaft near house number 1. Blue BMW Z4 Roadster with diplomatic numbers 112D007 77rus (according to open sources, belong to the Embassy of Malta), driven by the abbot of the temple of Elijah the Prophet, Abbot Timothy (in the world Alexey Podobedov), crashed into a Volkswagen Touareg driving in front. BMW was thrown to the left from the impact, he flew into the oncoming lane and, after driving through several rows, crashed into a Toyota Corolla. At the wheel «Тойоты» was Irina Likholetova, which later contacted the editorial office «Newspapers.Ru», because it fears, that the matter in connection with the status of the driver BMW can be hushed up, and he will get away from punishment.

Irina Likholetova's version, Toyota driver
«I was driving towards Taganskaya, Maly Krasnokholmsky Bridge was passing in the extreme right lane, when I noticed, as from the opposite side of the Garden Ring, the already wrecked BMW Z4 is moving across two solid roads across the road to the fence of the bridge, – Irina Likholetova told «Газете.Ru». – apparently, the driver came to his senses at the last moment, and not to fall into the river, he abruptly turned the steering wheel and drove straight at me. I was driving slowly, somewhere 40 km / h and tried to avoid the collision, but, all that we managed to do, is to expose the right passenger side». According to a woman, before collision with the first car, the roadster speed was very high.


After the accident, she immediately called the traffic police and an ambulance for the BMW driver, because I was sure, that he was seriously injured. But when the car door opened, driver, according to her, was unharmed. «When I saw him, understood immediately, that he is insane, – says Irina. –

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It happens, that the car is being cut, sometimes something breaks», – he notes. The lawyer believes, what needs to be found out, what factors influenced the behavior of the abbot himself while driving. Podoprigora notes, that at the time of the accident the priest was undergoing outpatient treatment with a recommendation to visit the hospital. Explain immediately, what kind of health problems are we talking about, he could not. «We have a medical history and all this is not sucked from the finger. Possible, that his condition was aggravated by the hot season», – отметил он.

The lawyer was outraged by the position of the two victims, That, According to him, first of all, immediately right at the scene of the accident demanded to compensate them for the damage. «I have absolutely no complaints about the victims, but I do not understand these statements, give me money or a new car and then I will be silent», – he says. According to him, if the question of the guilt of his principal has not yet been established, This does not mean, that he is not ready to pay for the damage. «Certainly, we are ready to compensate, – continues the lawyer. – If our car for some reason ended up in the oncoming lane, then how can you interpret it differently. As for the Touareg, while we do not have objective data on the reasons for the first collision».

The lawyer categorically rejected the assumption that, that Alexey Podobedov could be in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication

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