Risk limit . Margin Call movie

This weekend comes out movie Risk limit . Margin Call,I'll try to visit him.
While a small Russian trailer for him, although they say the film is not very good.

September 2008 of the year. The global economic crisis has already begun, but America doesn't know yet, what disaster lies ahead, and only a group of top executives on Wall Street is looking for a recipe for salvation. These were the most terrible hours in their life ...

Lehman Brothers, one of the largest investment banks, uses the latest market analysis software to get a staggering forecast - stocks will fall, the market will crash, the bank will lose everything. In the morning of the next day, he gets laid off and, before leaving, passes a flash drive with dangerous information to his former assistant.. By the evening, the best analysts of the bank, checking these calculations, realized a terrible prospect: the collapse is inevitable. Now they face a choice: start urgent dump, which will leave large shareholders all over the world, and millions of ordinary investors with nothing - or wait for the development of events, which is fraught with the loss of everything. You need to decide here and now. There is a lot of money and everyone's future at stake. This night there is no limit to risk ...

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