
So… about the eternal..

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I am sure, fact about, what “99% private traders either merge, or simply not able to earn decently” – only fuels interest and speculation)) Well, personally, I would be interested to try and evaluate that, that the average person is not able to master))) Ну.. supposedly, everyone entertains himself with hope, that it's not average)) “90% докторов считают, that put a better diagnosis, than their colleagues. 90% drivers are counted, that they know how to drive a car better, than half of the drivers.”.
And that's before that., how people started trading… And when they're already trading – clinic in general) Everyone thinks, what trades against “crowds or majority, which will lose” for he is exceptional in his grail.)

Yes.. and by the way… stick your grails in your ass… Regular advice. Such a rust, see, as every beggar shakes for some of his current “idea-fix”… though whatever it is. – it hasn't made him or anyone rich in the current market yet.))  For 4 I've had so many of them. (more precisely from one zaapgradivas in another)… and I thought about each, that it's a fast and furious enrichment, which only I know)) It's so funny..
In the end, I understand, that you can develop infinitely and unlimitedly. Fortunately, I at least do it quite intensively.. The market is much more multifaceted, than I imagined it to be?.

Connect more with people. “Exchange – one-game” – just a beautiful phrase.. Its meaning is only, that in the moment you make a really serious trading decision – there is only you and no one else. But by this point, you should be готов.  Big cities rule. Trade rooms steer. Props steer.
There's always that, who is better.. It's not environmentally friendly for humans to admit..
Lift your ass from your couch, Roll from 4 walls… develop and look for ideas. From the outside, including. Probably, that you will find yourself, living in a negligible dead-end world, which chases you in circles..

  Three times Hero of the World, Headquarters of the Heavy Machine Gun Divisions ...
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