Setting monetary tasks. Managed by an individual broker

Setting monetary tasks. Managed by an individual broker

Solo Brokers help to understand, how to form a long portfolio and not be distracted by news noise. You can read past articles on our channel. Now let's talk about setting monetary tasks.

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To set a financial goal, it is necessary to be correctly aware, when and how much money will be useful for you. Can be postponed to education, real estate, round-the-world trip or your pension. For each of the tasks, the terms and amounts will vary. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the goal setting, as a process.

Steps to goal setting

• First you need to realize, what resources do you have at your disposal. It is necessary to take into account all material assets, that you managed to buy, get a legacy or save to the current time.

• Next, you determine the amount of constant time costs, for which the goal must be achieved. Usually, it's a waste to maintain your standard of living.

- Next paragraph - edit for inflation. Fundamentally aware, how inflation affects your constant spending. Moreover, the amount, which allows you to achieve the goal, also changes depending on the increase in the overall price level.

The acquired information will help to find the required efficiency for the planned investments. The performance rate must be feasible and match your risk appetite.

The level of efficiency on invested funds does not always seem feasible. In this case, you need to change your lifestyle or increase the amount of investment.. Financiers from time to time can not or do not want to invest enough to solve their own problems. This leads to frustration in the quest to find the tool with the least risk and extremely highest efficiency..

3 Factor, to be taken into account

Let's move on to the main factors, which must be taken into account when setting tasks.

1. Age. If you started saving for retirement at twenty-five, then it will not be possible to find the required efficiency, for the reason that, what you don't understand, how much you will save once a year. Assessing the need at a young age is also problematic: you definitely don't understand, how many children you will have and where you want to meet old age. In this situation, quite once a year to invest a convenient amount.

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2. Time horizon. It ends, when you liquidate a portfolio to merit your own purpose. If the goal was a house or a car, then the time horizon is the number of years, during which the required amount accumulates. If your funds are invested in retirement, then the time horizon is the rest of life.

3. Acceptable Risk. On the one side, excessive risk aversion can lead to missed opportunities and hinder the achievement of tasks. Simultaneously, do not embark on adventures in pursuit of sharpened feelings. Fundamentally find a balance, which will direct you to monetary freedom and help you achieve results.

В другой раз мы побеседуем о построении вкладывательного ранца.

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