after market

I will remember December as testing for the bulletproofness of my own ass..
namely.. it was just about to close the minus of November with a size of -3k and get ready for a successful start in December (maybe two or three months are still ahead).. how …. внезааапно!
trading on good old friend RINO resumes, in which my balls were sucked in about 3-plus weeks ago and which HALT stupidly used because of violations of trade laws. it opened on OTC, under a different ticker (we look at finance) and it doesn’t smell like coming back.
This Chinese water treatment trash was opened by 2 dollar and I instantly felt redness “in the crotch” from the resulting gap in -3.7 bucks on their own 600 Shares.

we will see, how he will behave in the coming weeks.. I don't see the point of covering immediately. already only this decision compensated for my minus for today by + 85c in position.

passed NXPI on 18, I described the alert to him in the posts below.
WATG, NUDE, LPX dangling here and there

today on alerts there are two ABD entrances (this is a shot!) and CEG – diluted the satchel with a short(so far neither here nor there, took under close)

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