Visiting the Feast of Beer and Kvass.

The day after returning from Sochi, I had to visit the Festival of Beer and Kvass. At all, I attend this holiday every year, beginning with 2004 of the year. But this time the organizers of this event screwed up — huge queues for beer from 20-40 human, kebabs and other hot dishes, practically, did not have, except sausages and corn. Remembering previous holidays — there was everything for every taste — beer, kebabs, fish, fried smelt and many other different snacks and all without queues.

Here are the lines for a beer:

Well, certainly, free concert. We managed to see Galanin at two sites, & quot; Various People & quot;, Samoilov (ex Agatha Christie)" , Chizh, ChaiF. Honestly, from these songs, especially about Chay-Fu will soon feel sick — for years 10-20 at all concerts the same thing — how are they not tired of themselves. But people are crazy. In the photo `` Different People" with Chernetsky at the head:

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