Dividend adjustment

В шоке как визуально отличаются charts с поправкой и без поправок на дивиденды. Always used data for tests without adjustments for dividends and distribution. Truth, all systems were short term, that's why, dividends had almost no effect. But lately, I have been moving more and more to a longer holding of positions., therefore dividend-adjusted data would be desirable, but PremiumDate, which I use, provides data unadjusted for dividends, it's a pity.

This is SPY with 2000 of the year. Red without dividends, blue with dividends:

And this is TLT. For 14 years the difference has accumulated more than three times. Always when I read about portfolio investment systems using TLT I could not mentally perceive the benefits of this ETEF. But visually it became very clear even now :)

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